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Karli's Enterance


Viewing Issues

Problem: I can see some of the images, but others look like nothing but dark squares...

Solution: It's too bright in your room or the contrast on your monitor is set too dark. Wait until evening or raise the contrast to view certain images. Some of them are created dark because the places they represent are just as dark and foreboding.

Problem: Certain pages don't have text and it looks like they should, or the library says it has over a hundred books, but I only see one shelfs worth

Solution: Your internet security may be set too high. Norton did this to me as well when I looked into it. I shall leave it at your discretion on whether or not you choose to turn off your firewall for 15 minutes, but it should work.

Link Issues

Problem: Some of the links aren't working...

Solution: Internal links can be reported to me if you wish, mail me your complaint. As for the external links all I can do is delete them as I find them. Alot of sites get deleted or go missing quite often and that I can't control. I do try and check certain areas of my site every so often, it's a pretty big place and I sometimes get sidetracked...