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The Issues

Roleplaying Pages

The Games



The Gong Pages (Coming Soon)

Pooh Bear

This site is in the process of being re-built. For everyone who used to visit, keep an eye on this place; interesting things will slowly be turning up as time goes on. For any new visitors, if you have an interest in roleplaying, Star Wars, Zombies, or the musical group known as Gong, bookmark this site. At the moment, Ferret's Important Issues is little more than a platform on which I hope to be building. As well as editing the current sections, I will be building new ones and producing a whole new style for the entire site. By the time it's completed, Ferret's Important Issue will be something else altogether...

The main section of this site had to become focused on roleplaying due to certain events beyond my control. It was and is the largest parts of Ferret's Important Issues; this will continue as the site is expanded. In particular I am hoping to include the Star Wars RPG (whether this will be a D6, D20 or a mixture of the two has yet to be seen), Dungeons & Dragons, and the Zombie RPG 'All Flesh Must Be Eaten'. Anyone with an interest in these games, please e-mail me at The band Gong will also be playing a prominent part in this site. If you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry, but keep an eye out for more information as I produce it. If your interest requires immediate satisfaction, try here.


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Last Updated: 1.00, 3rd November 2005