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The History of the Waters Edge Asylum
A Hundred years ago the Waters Edge Asylum was home to hundreds of Ayenee’s more unlucky citizens. Sometimes the natural mortals couldn’t handle the knowledge of living in a place where their worst nightmares for the most part can walk into the room at the middle of the night. It was a grand place with all the natural medical therapy available and was run by a great host of nurses and hosts. However something went wrong.
Eighty years ago something went terribly wrong, the papers and gossip around the realm was that the populace was massacred by a test in nerve chemicals released into the air. This caused them to go insane and slaughter everything they saw. But there is a darker secret. Deep within the bowels of the iron fortress there was a monster, not one of fangs and sharp talons, but one of insanity and vivid terror. It stayed hidden, speaking chilled whispers into the air at night, into the ears of those who’s mind was twisted enough to hear so clearly. It fed off the feelings, the utter insanity that ran rampant through the patients, and the core hatred that the staff had for their jobs and each other. It had been there for an unknown amount of time, some say the Asylum itself was built by a demon as a gateway for this creature to feed from since the beginning, others say it was brought about by the constant feelings that were evident there. Whatever it was, it caused the mental instability to grow worse till finally one day, just like even the mightiest tree will eventually snap from bending, so did these peoples minds, and the outcome was horrific.
It was early evening, the non-sun had set and the darkness was coiling its icy grip around the realm when the beast unleashed it. Like a plague on the air it consumed the burning hatred and insanity of the victims and sent them into a psychotic frenzy. The main hall was a bloodbath; somehow one of the residents had grabbed a syringe from the doctors’ office during his checkup. Upon exiting the office he broke free of two orderlies one of them winding up on the floor with half his eye missing the other bleeding profusely from his gut and crying out for help. Some of the less fortunate inmates weren’t effected so their deaths where easily felt. One of the women there had gone so far off the deep end she literally ate the neck off of a doctor, and beside the two bodies was three of the people on her hall, each missing a major limb. All across the asylum blood curdling screams were rising up into a decrepit chorus of terror. From the walls were hung bodies of unfortunate souls of nurses; the blunt edge of the 6 pronged coat rack that sat against the wall was jabbed rather forcefully into the spinal cord where it connected to the brain. Small pools of blood were forming under each of them and causing a small stream to flow toward the doors.
All in rooms residents were committing mass suicide, ripping their own flesh from the bone, sprawling out messages across the floor and wall “Why did he tell me to…”, “Why did mommy hate me?”, “It doesn’t hurt anymore”, the most chilling accounts was of the young male that killed a nurse and three orderlies before finally making his way to the exit, just before he was about to make it, under an unknown impulse, the assailants pair of scissors gripped in his hand and he plunged them into his own brain, choking on his own blood as it rolled freely down his face the sickening sound echoed down the halls as he sputtered out the words “Make the voices stop…..” Within minutes it was over, a few unlucky bastards broke free of the assault and crawled down the steps in front of the asylum before death took them. They said a few people that crawled free were missing legs and chunks of their sides, yet not one beast was found inside the walls, only carnivorous bodies of the inmates, sick grins on their face, their mouth still holding chunks of flesh and smeared blood to tell the tales of their horror.