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character creation
old character sheets
character sheets
players:coming soon!

"To live by the land is to die by the land. To conquer the land-to prosper." -anonymous

A note from your storyteller:
There will be many new changes quite soon as to how this site is set up. I need to know the easiest way for you to be online, times, etc. to set up a general meeting time. It looks like there are two major plotlines running right now, whether you realize it or not, so I will need to coordinate the players A.S.A.P. and find out exactly who wants to play and fun stuff like that. I also need character pics (we have already seen Justin(Jade's-woohoo!) so that I can go ahead and post those. I would like for you to submit a brief charactar history. Also, if you absolutely hated your character and you want a respend, i am allowing it at this time. you will be allowed only one other free respend per this game, but this one is because it was most of you guys' first game in forever and EVERYONE'S first time to play this one. I actually hope that you keep your character's. They are really about to take off. ;) oh yeah...joey, i need a character history for the monkey...we can't forget the monkey.... questions?

check out the new FORUM.