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Welcome to the White Tower

Greetings from the White Tower


the Alternate Pattern

There are some differences here, so please take a look around the Tower, and see what you think. The Aes Sedai can be quite secretive, but they have agreed to offer some information here. If you still have questions, I'm sure the Amyrlin Seat will answer them for you. All messenger pigeons go to... The Amyrlin


The White Tower is located in the island city of Tar Valon. It is the training ground of Aes Sedai and Warders. Ancient knowledge is stored within it's vast libraries, and many come seeking help.


Although the colors remain the same, there are some additional duties and differences within some of the Ajahs of the Alternate Pattern.


The Blue Ajah is concerned with causes and justice. Some have taken on the task of searching out young women and girls who can channel, and convincing them to train their abilities.


The Red Ajah of the Alternate Pattern is more concerned with trying to help men who can channel, than hunting them. In fact, men have been known to seek out members for help. Gentling is a last resort. It is even said that a few Reds have even bonded such men as warders in an attempt to help. There are also unconfirmed and heavily denied rumors of a red faction that feels this is a waste of time, and do indeed try to eliminate men who can channel.


The Green Ajah is the warrior ajah. Not only do they hone thier ability to channel, upon reaching the shawl they go through training similar to a Warders. Those of other Ajahs often think this redundant, but the Greens believe one can never take a chance or be unprepared for anything.


The Yellow Ajah focuses on healing. Many have set up facilities throughout the land, offering aid to any seeking it. Still, most use this as a last resort when all else has failed.


The Brown Ajah emmerse themselves in knowledge, even if this means seaking it out. While some are content to maintain and study the vast holdings of their libraries, others follow the urge to travel the land in search of anything interseting.


The White Ajah devote themselves to philosophy.They search for meaning and truth through logic.


The Gray Ajah are the mediators adept at settling disputes. They have established a court in Tar Valon, where those in power bring thier disputes if they feel it neccessary.

Black Ajah

The White Tower denies the existance of an Ajah dedicated to serving the Dark One. But the White Tower denies a lot of things...


Aes Sedai generally have one warder, but some choose to have more. There is no rule to limit how many one can have.


  • If your Aes Sedai character wishes to bond someone elses character, ask first. Forced bondings will only occur in character.
  • Bonding may only occur between two consenting adults.
  • Novices and Accepted will be expected to participate in classes if they are held. As will warders in training.
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