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Miscellanious Information

Here you'll find all the information that didn't fit anywhere else. The Traveling People, the Sea Folk, the Ogier... anything important, but not big enough to get it's own page. All of these things are available for play, and characters are held to the rules described on the rules page.

  • Traveling People: Also called the Tuatha'an or tinkers. They are much like gypsies, travling with large family units in brightly colored wagons. They are a jovial people, and they follow the Way of the Leaf. No Tuatha'an would ever think of handling a weapon, or fighting another human being. They beleive they are like the leaf, with no say in when they should fall from life. They roam the land, traveling in and out of the Waste. Each clan is led by a man called a Mahdi, and each clan travels searching for the lost dream of peace. They sing and dance at every opportunity.
  • The Sea Folk: Also called the Atha'an Miere. They are dark skinned, and have brighty clolored tattoos on their hands, which denote clan and rank. Also to denote clan and rank among women are chains that run from their ear to their nose. Men do not wear nose rings or chains. Tales of the beauty of the Atha'an Miere are widly known, and have some truth. They are a lithe people, and graceful. And it is custom for both men and women to wear nothing above their waist while at sea. Both the men and women wear babby, brightly colored breeches, and the women-while in port- wear loose brightly colored blouses.

    The chain of command is rather simple. The Sailmistress is the commander of the ship and crew. She commands who may board, where teh ship goes, and is regarded as teh head of the family on the ship. She is aided by the Windfinder, always a woman, who helps her navigate. More often then not Windfinders can also Channel. Defense and trade are overseen by the Cargomaster. The Sailmistress appoints the Cargomaster, and often he is her husband. Each clan is headed by a Wavemistress, and she wears a great many medallions on her nose chain. All of the clans and septs are ruled by the Mistress of Ships.

  • Ogier and the Ways: The Ogier have no specific country, but live secluded lives in steddings throughout the world. They are the only natural, sentient nonhuman race known. They resemble humans, but with long tufted ears, broad noses, and average ten feet in height. The average lifespan of an Ogier is four times that of a human, and an Ogier is not considered old enough to leave the stedding until they are at least a hundred. The only special power they have are teh few called treesingers, who have the abilty to manipulate tress and plants through sound, making them bend to whatever shape desired.

    The Ogier stedding seems to be sheilded in some unknown way, and the One Power cannot be channeled within one. No Trolloc will enter a stedding unless driven, and even Myrddraal will do so with only the greatest need and reluctance. Darkfriends often feel uncomfortable in the stedding

    In the Age of Legends, the Ogeir used to work among humans. Many buildings have been made by the help of the Ogier. They left the steddings for long periods of time with no suffering. Now, if an Ogier leaves the stedding for to long, the Longing comes over him and he begins to weaken. If he does not return, he dies.

  • Forsaken: The Forsaken of the Alternate Pattern are not the same Forsaken of Robert Jordan's Pattern. They serve the Dark One, (who is rather safely imprisoned) and their purpose is to cause chaos and strife. But are they all really as evil as they seem? Do they have hidden agendas? That's for you to decide. The Forsaken, like everything else, are player characters. There is no limit number at the moment, but once a number is reached that we feel comfortable is enough, we'll post it. For a Forsaken, just fill out the sheet like any other character. But more detail should be paid, especially in the background catagory.
  • Old Tongue: In case you hadn't noticed, we don't use the actual Old Tongue from the books. As with many other things, the Alternate Pattern uses a different Old Tongue. It's basically mutilated Latin. No real Old Tongue will be used.
  • The Su'a'Kar: A race created by the Ghost using the One Power.

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