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A listing of the various characters and players of the Alternate Pattern. This is currently under construction, so do not be alarmed if your character is not up.


Player: Beth
Character: De'Sangual
Description: In the old tongue, "The Bloody." Known for his habit of using his own hands to torture his victims, rather then the One Power.

Player: Shelly
Character: Shamortae
Description: In the old tongue "Beautiful Death". Her innocent doll like appearence hides a cruel and twisted creature indeed. Her talent of Fortelling has done strange things to her mind, leaving her quite mad. She and De'Sangual are hardly ever apart, and are known as the Dark Lovers.

Player: Johnny O'Brien
Description: In the old tongue, "The Tainted" or "Tainted One". Was the first male channeler to succomb to the Dark One's taint, before saidin itself was tainted. Was one of the greatest minds of the world in the Age of Legends. Vanished before The Hundred Companions sealed the Dark One. Thought to have been killed by the side of Light, or by his own fellow Forsaken.

Player: Sandra
Character: Zefonith (The Temptress)
Zefonith was born the ninth daughter of wealthy Domani traders and while the most beautiful of them, was never in any position to inherit. When it was found she could channel, she was sent to the Tower for training and became an Aes Sedai. She is a very devious and coniving woman who will use whatever means necessary to get what she wants. Including swearing herself to the Dark One and becoming one of his Chosen... Most of the time, using a Sa'angreal called the Viel of Illusions she passes as Satrina of the Red Ajah, thereby having access to the White Tower without her identity as a Foresaken being revealed.

White Tower

Player: Beth
Character:Amyrlin Seat Sanal Dyul
Description: Newly raised to the Amyrlin Seat, a former brown from Andor with the Talent of making ter'angreal.

Player: Shelly
Character: Keeper of the Chronicles Layhana
Desciription: Once an Aiel Maiden of the spear, she refused Wise One training and was sent to the Tower instead. SHe is headstrong and still clings to her Aiel ways.

Player: Robert
Character: Toman
Description: Water Seeker Aiel bonded as warder to the keeper. Some slight 6th sense as regards visions. Knowledge of own death whilst protecting the Keeper. Without honour and deemed unworthy due to his past actions, his death will be his repentance. Hard, nasty, totally focused on protecting the keeper. Will be staying in and around tar valon unless sent away by the Keeper.

Player: Patrick Mout
Character: Rijan fiar.
Description: A young yet determined Warder Trainee, hoping to make a difference in the world, especially for those in the poorer classes.

Player:Johnny O'Brien
Character:Yileani Draekus (Aes Sedai)
Description: A member of the grey ajah, away from the Tower for quite some time, under the pretense of "checking" the peace of the various kingdoms.

Character: Nai'aea Mahdlin
Description: from Saldaea- Nai'aea, 29, is an Aes Sedai of the White Ajah. She has a strong talent in Healing, and a love for traveling which seperates her from fellow Whites. she's normally cool and patient, but has the ability to frighten queens with a hard stare. What is found odd about her is that she hasn't devoted her life to logic and facts like the Whites do. She also takes part in the basic purposes of Blues, Yellows, Browns, and Greens. Nai'aea has a strong Talent for Cloud Dancing and knows a form of Compulsion, though she has never used it against anyone.

Player: Beth
Character: Therna Sedai
Description: Head of the Brown Ajah, she tends to recruit those with special abilities to work directly for her. She will stop at nothing to discover what she feels important. A very calculating woman who enjoys holding the strings of others.

Zalnoren Sedai
A newly raised member of the Red Ajah, she has been through much already, and wishes only to live comfortably in the Tower doing as she was trained. Unfortunately, the wheel has spun a path of adventure and danger for her.

Eldeane Sedai
Mistress of Novices and a member of the Blue Ajah, she has worn the shawl longer than most. Comes across as very cold and strict, but is actually very warm and caring when she feels it appropriate.

Player: Charles
Character: Tremaine
Description: A once Warder from a noble Tairean House. He is seeking the truth behind his Aes Sedai's death.

Character: Ardrelle Al'Maya
Descirption: A Cairhien noblewoman fleeing her past. She is skilled in ettiquite and combat, and is a novice at the White Tower.

Character: Nap'Talli Sedai
Player: Hannah
Description: Born a poor farmer's daughter on the outskirts of Deven. Nap'Talli felt a call for the Yellow Ajah since she was young, and saw a yellow heal her ill brother. She has spent time abroad, traveling with her Warder Dar.

Character: Dar
Player: Hannah
Summary: A Tuatha'an who began questioning the Way of the Leaf as a young man. He left his people to go to the White Tower to train as a warder, and was eventually bonded to Nap'Talli Sedai.


White Cloaks

Player: Robert
Character: Fenton Mandek
Description: 30 year Old Lieutenant of the Children of Light, currently on his slow winding way to Amador . Devout, mad, a typical officer and follower of Whitecloak command and the rule of the Inquisition.

Player:Henry Willard
Character:Graelem Sigorn
Description: Calvary Officer/Commander for the Children of Light who has a hatred of Inquistors. He is also a high ranking Darkfriend, who is trying to make contact with a Chosen. He is known to be an exceptional fighter, commander, and tracker, and is feared by his colleges and enemies alike. Now he is out to "assist" the Children that were sent to Cairhien.


Player: Robert
- Character: Agris of Shienar
Description - Shienaran mercenary who loses his will to live and fight for just causes, and is slowly but surely led down the dark path by Tarl by means of suggestion, the One Power being used upon his mind and will and by his own actions, eventually leaving him totally in thrall to tarl and dependent upon him.

Player: Nick Shaw
Character: Vasten Al'Carlian
Description: A young Arafellian well trained in the art of battle by his Uncle. Vasten is learning more about his powers day by day. He has the gift of wolfkin, known as DarkReaver, and is able to channel Saidin which he is struggling to control and learn.

Player: Nick Shaw
Character: Chase (NPC)
Description: Large gray wolf with piercing yellow eyes who has been good friends with Vasten for years and has just recently followed him when he left Arafel. Vasten and Chase have a mutual agreement.

Player: Johnny O'Brien
Character: Edelyn Lothren
Description:A gleeman from Ebou Dar, travelling the world and wishing it could be more like it is in his stories.

Player: Johnny O'Brien
Character: Bries
Description: A maiden of the spear of the Broken Ridge Sept of the Reyn Aiel. Daughter of a a wise woman, she is a fierce fighter with a talent for tracking.

Player: Pearl
Character: Jaidrea Derran
Description: A young Tinker woman, born in the shadow of the White Tower.

Player: Nadine
Character: Licha Merimin
Description: A Saldean mercinary, on her own after the death of her mentor.

Character: Tarl
Player: Charles
Description: As commonly noted a red haired man of medium height. Tarl claims to be a collector of antiques and operates under a number of alias'. He has taken Agris on as his servant and confident. Tarl is obviously familiar with the True Power as well as Saidin. Tarl is an accomplished swordsman and seems to have knowledge of the "Time of Legends". However his allegiences are unknown.