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Character Sheet-Students

Let’s make this really simple. Copy and paste this into an email to me and title it "CS Student (Student Name)" I will have explanations, and if you have any questions, Email me, the GM. My address is at the bottom.

First Name: (Doesn’t have to be your real first name. A nickname or online name will do.)
Webpage: (Optional)
ICQ: (Optional)
This information will be used to contact you about the game. It will not be displayed on the web page if you ask me not to.
Name: (Easy enough. This a good source of all names Japanese. I will allow other nationalities, but since this is a Japanese school, we can’t all be exchange students.)
Age: (If applying as student, between 14 and 18.)
Date of Birth: (MM/DD/YY. Make sure that this corresponds with your age.)
Field of Study: (Dancing, Theatre, Musical Theatre, Music-Vocal, and Music-Instrumental.)
Dorm Choice: (Gekidou, Bansou, Koika, or Jinku. All dorms are shared and single-sex.)
Courses: (List your foreign language and performing course here.)
Nationality: (Make sure this corresponds with the name.)
Height: (feet/inches)
Weight: (I don’t need a specific number, just something like “heavy” or “muscular”.)
Eyes: (Color and description. No glowing eyes!)
Hair Color/Style: (Since this is an anime school, crazy colors are allowed.)
Apparel: (What does your character usually wear when not in class?)
Scars/Markings: (Piercings? Chicken Pox Scars?)
General Physical Description: (What do they look like in a nutshell?)
Other: (Anything else?)
Aura: (What kind of vibes does your character give out? Relaxed, nervous, crazy, snobbish?)
Personality Attractions: (What kind of people does your character like to hang out with?)
Personality Repulsions: (Opposite of above)
Crushes: (What sort of traits does your character look for in the same/opposite sex?)
General Personality: (What is your character really like?)
Strengths: (What are your character’s strong points?)
Weaknesses: (Everyone has them, and not just trivial ones. Weaknesses are more impressive than strengths.)
Hobbies: (What does your character enjoy doing? It doesn’t matter if they’re good at it or not.)
Oddities: (Can your character rattle off a coherent sentence in front of a teacher? Do they do silly things with string? Put those things here.)
Other: (Anything else?)
Backstory: (EXTREMELY important. How did your character get here? Where are they going? What happened along the way? DETAILS, DETAILS, DETAILS.)
Writing Sample: (Just a short story. Can be an anecdote from childhood, the first time they tried to dance, etc. DETAILS.)
Finished? Email it here. Check the “Results!” page in a couple of days. If I haven’t posted anything in a week, email me again with your sheet.