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I try not to be really harsh, but these rules must be followed to be accepted and to stay in Akinori High.

2. Don’t try to join the mailing list without approval of your character.
3. Characters must be ORIGINAL. No Usagi or Goku wannabes here. That’s an automatic rejection.
4. This isn’t a superhero game. No superpowers or giant mechas for any character. Another automatic rejection.
5. When accepted, I’m asking for two posts a week. If that can’t be accomplished, you might want to reconsider applying. I’m very reasonable for lack of postings if I get an excuse (exams, vacation, emergencies, etc.), but I need to be notified.
6. No hentai stuff. Romance is okay, but keep graphic descriptions of anything off the list.
7. Keep all OOC (Out of Character) Messages to private emails or the OOC List.
8. NO SPAMMING. I don’t appreciate getting chain letters, and I will suspend anyone who tries it. The second offense results in getting the boot.
9. I’m not a big stickler for grammar, but basic capitalization and punctuation would be nice. My biggest thing is “u” for “you” and “r” for “are”.
10. Be Nice to EVERYONE. Any threats or intolerance of other views will end up in getting booted.
11. Don’t kill another person’s character unless it’s approved by the person and the GM.
12. Only one main character per person. A million NPCs (Non-Playing Characters) shouldn’t be used. One or two will suffice.
13. Most Important: ENJOY!

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