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You look about as you enter a wood. All the trees are gnarled in different shapes as if reaching out to grab you right where you stand. You hear an owl, or what sounded like an owl, and turn suddenly too see a pair of glowing red eyes glaring at you from inside a massive tree. You don't wait long enough to find out what it is and run as fast as your legs can carry you. You can hear it running behind you, rustling the the dead leaves that have fallen to the ground around the gnarled trunks of the eerie trees. You turn around as the running suddenly stops. You look back and see a massive silver wolf running away from you. You sigh with relief until you hear fom behind you, in a tone that sends chills down your spine."I see you have found us" the voice says. You turn around and see a woman to your surprise. You can tell she is a warrioress but there is something strange about her. She is covered from head to toe in black fur and she has ears and a tail. Her emerald eyes glint dangerously as you observe she is dressed in a black bodysuit and has white stripes all over. There seems to be an onix gem embeded in her forhead. You gaze at her beauty until you are brought back to reality by the chilling voice. "You should not be here" she says and glares at you her face expressionless and her eyes glinting evily."I thought we had hidden ourselves away to avoid things like this. Since you have found us it shows you have courage." She laughs a cold laugh."I see you got past our little pet there." As she says this the wolf returns and you can't believe your eyes as it shifts into a boy about 14 years old. "I tried my best to guide them away from here but alas i could not" he says in a gruff voice."Off with ye!" the woman says angrily,"before i decide to behead you right here and now!" The boy runs away swiftly not staying a second longer."Come with me" the woman says. "It will not hurt to let you stay the night." She kicks her horse and makes you follow. As she disappears into some foilage you follow. You gasp at what you see next, a huge castle stands there before you.

As you walk up to the castle doors, you look up seeing the huge iron doors.The doors swing open causing you to stumble back in surprise. As you look to the figure that opened the door you see a tall handsome man with dark eyes looking down at you. As you try to talk as if you weren't scared you manage to choke out "Hello Sir". Adonis only grins sensing your fear and steps back "Come in…Or do you want to stay outside?" he says half jokingly. The woman who told you to follow stands next to Adonis. You look above the door and see a portrait of them both firmly hung and encased in an intricate golden frame. Her name is deeply ingraved in the glistening metal. "Cleo...".As you step into the castle you look around trying to adjust to the light, large golden chandeliers hanging high over your head casting warm light over the entire castle.As Adonis slowly leads you down a large corridor with a lot of rooms, you follow close behind him