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Seperith Soulsaver

Hello, I'm Seperith Soulsaver, a lvl 65 Enchanter on The Rathe server. I am a member of El'lar Dobluth guild. Thank you for visiting my site.

I will be updating this page in the near future with more information about my character, my guild, more links, etc.

Please come back and visit again!

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Stats and Equipment for Seperith

Stats and Equipment for Darrius Windstorm (my druid)

El'lar Dobluth guild website (guild on The Rathe server)

Mirth and Mayhem (my old guild on The Rathe server)

My (Steven Cullifer) Personal Homepage

Yahoo Profile page for Seperith

Everlore (VERY good site about all things Everquest)

EQ Atlas (Great for maps, zone information, mobs, items)

EQ (good site for maps)

Casters' Realm (Good site for casters)

EQ Traders (good site for trade skills)

EQ Druids (best site for druid)

Screenshots from Plane of Hate Raid

Screenshots of your favorite enchanter ... :)

Mrith and Mayhem Guild Roster
