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Hey everyone, it's Sarah. Do you want to know the problem that caused me to be unable to update? Well, this is what happened. I updated last on August 6, 2001. After that, some error was caught in Angelfire's system regarding my webshell, and thus,I couldn't do anything. So here it is February 18, 2002, and I just now am able to log in. Weird, huh?

So, the question you may be wondering is, am I going to update or do anything? Nope. I'm really sorry everyone. My schedule is very tight and I have very little time for a website. Plus, FF7 is old, and if I am able to do another site in the future, then it would be on something ike FF10. Anyway, I'd like to thank everyone for their support and e-mails. You're a great bunch!


Gotta feel the love.