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Rickit's Home Page

Thank you for visitng the "Beta" version of my site (Ok, so it's not quite the Beta version anymore, but until I truly feel that I am done, [Ie, dead or given up] then it will always be Beta, cause I am not done yet...). Please bookmark it or write it down so that you can come back and watch my web-site progress. (Whenever you decide to come back and view it, and you wish to see anything new, it's probably a good idea to click "Refresh", otherwise, it might not show you the new things.) My web page is going to be under review/maintenance for quite some time. My E-mail is at the bottom of my page, so feel free to send me an E-mail regarding any changes that you think need to be made. Again, thank you for your time. Oh, by the way, feel free to sign my guest book.

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Powerful documents in history
How to get ahold of me...
Significant Historical Documents

Things I like to do with my life.

This is a poll about role paying games

My favorite web-sites

My personality as diagnosed by the church of Scientology.

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Email: DemiFascist@Hotmail.Com