
4/18/02 Ok. It's been half a year since I updated. Yes. Indeed. Well I'm updating now! And I'm making a new game. (Imagine that.) Anyway i added a game to the downloads section. mean I actually got a submission?! :b Well since I hardly check my e-mail sometimes things get missed. So here's a big apology out there to anyone who's sent stuff in and never had it put up. It's MY FAULT! I'm NOT prefect!! :b Until next year (the next update).

8/8/01 DAmn. Hard to believe, but it's been a month since I last updated. Gee.. Guess I got bit by that PSO bug, I'm so addicted to it. Well anyway I did make an update! Whoo! And guess what? This site has a new internet babe. Well aside from thye real babes like Halo and Karim. ;) But, no I'm talking about Devil Hunter Yohko. Yup, check her out in the image gallery. Oh and by the way.. this was originally supposed to be a small RPGMaker site.. but no one submitted their games to me. However I would like to see more games on here. Also, maybe I can add some additional sections. MAybe an Anime section , talking about anime, or a fanfic section, where you guys can display your writing skills. Anything, I'd just like to liven the place up a bit. Post what you think in the forum. Well anyway.. that's the update for now..

7/5/01 Well it was the 4th of July. Yep. Time for the annual get together to watch the fireworks down at the harbor. It was fun. Y'know, the food, the fireworks...the RAIN! uhgh... Anyway, looks like this site has a new layout. Cool huh? Now I can update easier, and it looks cleaner. Look for more buttons to appear soon throughout the site. :D

7/1/01 What the heck?! is this A different site?, I just added a nice banner and some buttons to the Main Page. But unfortunatly, this being the land of Angelfire, I can't update the main page without re-entering the info to these beacause...well It's Angelfire...I could explain it to you all day. I plan on replacing the old links with these same buttons throughout the site. Anyway enjoy the new layout.

6/20/01 - Well today was certainly...interesting. I went in for jury duty. Heh. Anywho I have some new pics in. Take a look.

6/16/01 - An update? Well the same as usual. MOre Tifa pics in the image gallery! Ohh yeah I just love her soft..curvaceous...uhm... ;)

6/10/01 - Whew!! Lotsa work! I put in a ton of new pics in the gallery. I like to thank Eiko for sending me some of them. Jeez, what i go through for ya's. :b

6/8/01 - Well Im back after the move. Nice new house. I'm impressed. My room is big, but I need a chair so I do't have to play PS2 on the floor! Anyway, I did some updates. U can contact me via e-mail, Ther is an extra Tifa pic in the gallery ad un updated version of Broken Promises. Okay there ya go! Later!

5/23/01 - Well I took a small vacation from the site. I didn't do TOO much this time around, but I did add some new Tifa pics. ;) Have fun looking at them.

5/8/01 - Hey guys! Omni here! I did a MAJOR update here. Some things are moved around but, well you can still find them. The Major thing though is the Image Gallery. Take a look at some of the cool pics I found. Oh, and the Shrine is still here...and has something new in it. :b Now i'm gonna sit back and relax a little. Enjoy the site!

4/25/01 - I added some songs to the music box. Check it out!

4/23/01 - Quick Update! Cerebral's new Broken Promises demo is know downloadable at this site. Go play it. That is all!