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Fusion Earrings:
Earrings controlled by the Kaio's. When two people put one on the opposite ear, they can fuse into one powerful being. The Fusion is permanent unlike the fusion dance.
-Power Struggle Use:
The fusion earrings allow two characters to fuse together into one being. Both sides have to agree to this fusion but it can be broken at anytime one of the parties opts for it to be. Only like races can fuse though so that the transformations stay with their respective races. The earrings cannot be bought but only wished for or received during a scenario or other special event.

-Cost: Cannot be Purchased
-Purchase Location: Cannot be Purchased

Scouters are small mechanical devices that fit over your ear and are used primarily to measure one's power level. The only beings that mainly use these are Frieza and his henchman. This device can also be used to locate dragon balls.
-function and Use:
Scouters are used to locate dragon balls. Without either a scouter or dragon radar, dragon balls cannot be found. When used in conjunction with dragon radar the time for collecting dragon balls is cut in half (except for Black dragon balls which take the normal time).

-Cost: 500 zeni
-Purchase Location: New Vegeta
Healing Case:
A small case that contains bandages and medicinal ointments.
-Function and Use:
The healing case acts like a first aid kit to temporarily heal a injurd or wounded individual.Unlike the senzu beans this kit does not heal fully or instantly

-Cost: 400 zeni
-Purchase Location: Anywhere

Space Pod:
-Function and Use:
Without a space pod characters are unable to travel in space. The ability to travel through space is a necessity to be successful at the game.

The Space Pod is what the Sayian's and the Ginyu Force use to travel in space during DBZ. The pod is small and round in shape and has one large window in the front for viewing. A space pod is needed to travel through space.
-Cost: 800 zeni
color="gray"-Purchase Location: Anywhere

Namekian Ship:
A large spaceship designed and engineered by ancient nameks. only few of the ships still exist to this day
-Function and Use:
The namekian ship is used to travel to great distance of space. the ship can carry up to three passengers.

-Cost: 600 zeni
-Purchase Location: Namek

The small seeds in the capsule are saibamen.You plant the seeds to the ground and instantly watch the small creatures come to life with a power level of a 1,000 each. each capsule comes wiht 5 seeds
-Function and Use:
Saibamen are small but powerful creatures.You can use the saibamen to fight battles for you if the saibamen will become some challenge to your opponent.

-Cost: 25,000 zenni
-Purchase Location: Cannot be Purchased

Rejuvination Chamber:
A chamber for one is then filled with saiyan byproducts to heal the subject
-Function and Use:
The rejuvination tank is used to heal a persons wounds from battle.The healing process usual takes 3-4 hours to fully heal the warrior.

-Cost: 100 zeni
-Purchase Location: New Vegeta

Ki blaster:
a device that works like a gun that straps or attaches to the left arm.
-Power Struggle Use:
dont know how to control ki? have to no worries The ki blaster is used to generate a sufficient amount of ki to injure.

-Cost: 500 zeni
-Purchase Location: Frieza

Sayian Armor:
-Function and Use:
This durable armor helps with protection in battle. If a character has this item or not is taken into account for battles.

This is a kind of fighting jacket, which covers the chest and back. It gives an extra bit of protection from ki blasts and physical damage. This is Sayian's and Frieza's technology.
-Cost: 200 zeni
-Purchase Location: Anywhere

Senzu Bean:
-Function and Use:
When a battle is close the loser is not sent to Heaven they just suffer a 5 day recovery period in which they cannot do anything but buy items. A senzu bean reduces this period to 3 days. Useful if you don't want to sit around doing nothing for a longer time.

Senzu beans are used all throughout Dragon Ball Z to fully recover weary warriors. Shaped like a kidney bean and green in color senzu beans have the magical property to fully recover one's health. Just like the dragon radar without senzu beans the Z-fighters would have lost every battle they ever faced.
-Cost: 100 zeni
-Purchase Location: Earth(Korins tower)

Fruit of Might:
The fruit of might is a tree that grows a fruit that will gives whoever eats it a great upgrade in powerlevel.though the tree of might drains the energy of the planet, the kaioshin planet is a perfect place since it has infinite energy and is no subject to life.
-Function and Use:
. The fruit once purchased triples the buyer's power level. A minimum power of 5,000 must be attained before this item can be bought.

-Cost: 1,000 zeni
-Purchase Location: Kaioshin

Universal items