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The new Maximal commander, still attempting to adjuct to the eccentric bunch. Created by Deep Metal

Name: Gaul
Faction: Maximal
Type: Modeless
Serial Number: MAXI-67-96J3
Size: Large
Function: Commander/Melee Combat
Gender: Male
Age: 250 Solar Cycles
Theme Song: "Bad Religion" Godsmack
Voice Actor/Actress: Mel Gibson but a bit Deeper

Robot Mode:
Gaul is rather large and brash looking. He is heavily armored with plating on his chest, arms, legs, stomach and wrists. He is mostly gray with silver trim and some small patches of black as accents. He has similar body to an Autobot but not as blocky more angular. Gaul's head is round and fairly smooth. He has many characteristics of a Native-American Terran. He has a pronounced nose and cheeks and a flat forehead. His helmet is Roman stylish that goes around his forehead and cuts back over his ears and down the back of his head. His optics are a soft glowing white that can be comfortable but also seem to cut right through you if he is angry. He has a strap on his back that holds his war hammer and is very muscular but not as intimidating as some others that size. All in all he is rather plain looking and doesn't totally stick out in many ways.


Strength: 10
Speed: 7
Skill: 9
Aim: 5
Discipline: 7
Stamina: 6
Intelligence: 6
Firepower: 7
Luck: 6

Expert: Black Ops
Gravity Training: All
Hand-to-Hand Combat
Heavy Weapons
Melee Weapons: Axes, Clubs

Military at an early age. Long and largely overlooked service in the Maximal Special Forces division (Green Beret type fighters). Despite that, however, he served well, and with much loyalty. After having been declared too old to stay in the highly physical Special Forces, he was discharged honorably from service. This was a problem because Gaul was far from dead. He had no home, no family, and suddenly no job, not to mention a purpose in life. He kicked around Cybertron and surrounding quadrants for a long time. He was called back into action later on a secret mission that could have no ties to the Maximals. However the mission went bad during, as it was a set up. Once the mission was complete it was deemed a terrorist action and Gaul's team were also deemed terrorists. Gaul managed to escape the scandal without being named and was back to square one. He still longed for the military even after he was double-crossed.

It was not until another two years was Gaul notified again for action. His new mission was o take a small group of Maximals to wipe out a small group of former Predacon generals. The Generals are rumored to be members of a growing conformist group of the out reaches of space. Gaul senses another setup but he doesn't really care. Once again he is in command and is satisfied.

Light hearted and a decent enough 'bot most of the time, Gaul is never the less rather dour. He's a veteran of many years experience in the military, who has, unfortunately, walked away from his career with very little to show for it. He's haunted by what he deems his own personal failure in that respect. Gaul is the picture of a 'bot whose life has not turned out at all the way he had intended it to. There are many such bots in the universe, Gaul is just one of the more bitter ones. He's got a decent amount of common sense, though, if stoic in its outlook. He would like nothing better than something to give his life some meaning before his spark fades, and his body recycled into the shells of those that might do so much more with their lives. He is intensely loyal to those who have 'earned' his friendship, and to those he's made promises to. If he makes a promise, he feels honor bound to keep it. With his size and strength, no one really tries to dissuade him, even if keeping the promise turns out to be a bad idea.

Gaul tends to befriend most people under is command but is noticeably hard on smart Alecs and people that challenge his authority. Gaul also takes a great time in planning missions and often writes out a whole plan on what to be accomplished. Though he is not as obsessed with getting the mission done at all costs hints of that still linger around. He won't leave anyone behind and usually calls role when the group returns. Gaul is very protective for his team and take the blame for anything they do. He would die for any member of his squad. If someone fails on one of his missions he will be noticeably hard on them and can tend to get violent except for a female. Leading the Maximal team has seemed to bring back that chance of doing something important and he doesn't want to screw it up. Gaul is also a gallant warrior and seems to have no fear in battle. He seems to go into a different world as because incredibly fast and agile for a bot his size. Some of his old teammates called him "The ghost."

Weapons/Equipment/Special Abilities:


War Hammer/Battle Ax:
Gaul's main weapon is cold gray War hammer that also has a large Ax on one side. The Weapon has a three-foot handle with a large hammer like head that is nearly a foot in length and 4 inches wide. On the opposite side is a large ax blade that resembles a medieval ax. This weapon is extremely massive and can bust or cut through must anything. Most other bots have a hard time lifting it unless they are Gaul's size. This is his primary weapon and he is very skilled with it. Most bots don't stand a chance up against him when he has his Hammer.

Combat Knife:
More the size of a short sword then a knife this 24 inch long blade is made of hardened Alloys and its very tough. The knife has a 6-inch handle formed from the same cold materials as the Blade itself. The large blade is dull and flat on one side, with razor sharp, yet jagged opposite side. The blade can cut throw most metals with Gaul's size and strength behind it. Kept in a sheath along his boot.

Misc.-Picks up various equipment pertaining to his mission parameters.

"Is that so?"

Graphics Provided by Riboflavin