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Mage SeaWing

The Red Fairy Tree

In lust and want they move through the day.
Living life with there perils and sometimes prey.
There come the evils that they most want to hide.
And often in spite do they turn from what's right.
How one can adore these days beyond my ways.
But I remember them for they were of me, and the tree.

Darkness came quick with the passing of day.
Gone was home and no more could they play.
Crimson tears shed the way leaving mostly decay.
Now with their might they pushed and I fight.
No, they can't lose this one, for it is their light.
Soon it would fall and they would all leave, leave it to me.

What could they do but leave in the night.
Death was there and so they could no longer stay.
I understood of course that they would with spite,
return and be done with the evil they brought into the light.
But I laughed and I showed them my victory.
Fading they lost and so did their queen, she was left to me.

Crimson became her halls, with spirits lining her walls.
Some were left to play and others forced to stay.
I watched as they cried for the lost, hurt for a return.
Of course they followed me, what choice did they have.
Soon there were feasts, and of course drinks.
Branches left open to the evil wind, it would know me.

It was now the beginnings of my right.
My smiles were of their excitement in cotton and silk.
Lips came next with there tantalizing delight.
I embraced my darkness with the children of light.
Wondrous was the night that came out of spite.
No longer ours was this tree and its little fairy's, now its mine.

I can't think of anything more thrilling than this.
For this was my life, the life of this devil pixy.
The laughter was gone in the others eyes.
I had taken it from them with my appetite.
Love the queen tree, the tree of the fairy's.
For now this tree, the Crimson Fairy Tree, belongs all to me.

-Tuli SeaWing

Urth's Legacy RPG
The Red Fairy Tree
SeaWing's Magi Lab