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Viscount Langard

(Half-olven, M, 27, 5'10", 160#, Red-blond, Metallic-green w/Gold pupils)

Baron Tymak (Lord Mayor of Verbobonc)

(Human, M, 55, 5'6", 163#, Brown w/Gray temples, Brown)

Baron Marakios (of the House Haxx)

(Human, M, 50, 6'3", 210#, Black w/Gray Streaks, Black)

Baroness Elysia (Lady of Verbobonc)

(Human, F, 21, 5'4", 118#, Dark Brown, Grey-green)

Baroness Kathryn (of the House Sarcina)

(Human, F, 29, 5'7", 132#, Golden-blond, Sapphire-blue)

Baron Velysin (of the House Claviger, Lord General of Verbobonc)

(Human, M, 65, 6'6", 195#, Gray, Hazel)

Baron Brewgen (Lord of Oakham)

(Human, M, 55, 6'1", 200#, Auburn, Hazel)

Baron Farkaesh (Lord of Hagthar)

(Human, M, 82, 6'0", 147#, Gray, Blue)

Baron Winston (of the House Jugalis and Lord of Etterboek)

(Human, M, 44, 5'8", 142#, Brown, Grey)

Baron Karadan (of the House Thurstix and Lord of Mol)

(Human, M, 30, 5'10", 165#, Brown, Brown)

Baron Thamas (Lord of Korbin)

(Human, M, 45, 6'2", 225#, Auburn, Green)

Baron Duntings (Lord of Woodstock)

(Human, M, 23, 5'9", 144#, Brown, Hazel)

Baron Connor (Lord of Penwich)

(Human, M, 60, 6'4", 200#, Gray, Blue)


Verbobonc Baronets

Baronet Banyon (of the House Talsis, Master of the Merchant's Guild)

(Human, M, 45, 5'8", 176#, Blond, Blue)

Baronet Dynic (of the House Silvershield, Senchel of Greyfist)

(Human, M, 51, 6'9", 411#, Brown, Hazel)

Baronet Elryn (of the House Ulbern)

(Human, F, 70, 5'5", 145#, Gray, Brown)

Baronet Gelim of the House Zercach, Master of the Landed Gentry Guild)

(Human, M, 61, 6'1", 165#, Gray, Brown)

Baronet Harman (of the House Velsarin)

(Human, M, 65, 6'6", 215#, Gray, Blue)

Baronet Kharis (of the House Dorman)

(Human, M, 42, 5'6", 151#, Brown, Brown)

Baronet Kragos (of the House Senthis)

(Human, M, 47, 5'9", 140#, Brown, Hazel)

Baronet Markos (of the House Haxx, Son of Baron Marakios)

(Human, M, 26, 5'11", 155#, Sandy Blond, Blue)

Baronet Marma (Daughter of Baron Tymak)

(Human, F, 33, 5'8", 190#, Brown, Brown)

Baronet Orward (of the House Wesson)

(Human, F, 89, 4'9", 85#, Gray, Gold)

Baronet Ostrin (of the House Claviger, Son of Baron Velysin)

(Human, M, 35, 5'4", 138#, Brown, Hazel)

Baronet Pardychis (Master of the Drover's Guild)

(Human, M, 28, 6'2", 190#, Black, Hazel)

Baronet Sarman (of the House Ingred)

(Human, M, 90, 5'4", 92#, Gray, Blue)

Baronet Shoremak (of the House Durblik)

(Human, M, 81, 5'4", 132#, Gray, Green)

Baronet Versyk (of the House Dorn, Master of the Carpenter's Guild)

(Human, M, 61, 5'9", 225#, Gray, Green)


Barony of Oakham Baronets

Baronet Bornardis (of the House Napron)

(Human, M, 37, 5'11", 178#, Brown, Brown)

Baronet Chesae

(Human, F, 41, 5'4", 101#, Brown, Green)

Baronet Cogwyn (of the House Paxis)

(Human, M, 61, 5'9", 174#, Brown, Brown)

Baronet Cryvek (of the House Reddle)

(Q-Olven, M, 52, 5'9", 134#, Gold, Gold)

Baronet Hodge (of the House Pandes)

(Human, M, 79, 5'7", 155#, Gray, Hazel)

Baronet Rollan (Son of Baron Brewgen)

(Qrt-olven, M, 33, Red, Amber)

Baronet Sodomic (of the House Sorellis)

(Human, M, 62, 6'0", 168#, Gray, Black)

Baronet Xelvia

(Half-olven, F, 102, 5'7", 106#, Auburn, Violet)


Barony of Korbin Baronets

Baronet Gorbric

(Human, M, 52, 6'5", 315#, Brown, Hazel)

Baronet Grella

(Human, F, 23, 5'6", 115#, Auburn, Green)

Baronet Homer

(Human, M, 74, 5'9", 195#, Gray, Green)

Baronet Lykos

(Human, M, 46, 5'10", 155#, Brown, Hazel)

Baronet Quenvae (of the House Ulvarin)

(Human, F, 67, 5'5", 202#, Black, Blue)

Baronet Taylor (Son of Baron Thamas)

(Human, M, 13, 5'1", 111#, Brown, Blue)


Barony of Woodstock Baronets

Baronet Agamon (of the House Odylis)

(Human, M, 52, 6'0", 175#, Black, Blue)

Baronet Lomax

(Human, M, 56, 5'7", 178#, Brown, Hazel)

Baronet Partallis

(Human, M, 23, 6'4", 275#, Auburn, Green)

Baronet Turook (of the House Gorge)

(Human, M, 73, 6'2", 191#, Black, Brown)


Barony of Etterboek Baronets

Baronet Orlinn (of the House Wealver)

(Human, F, 61, 5'3", 98#, Gray, Blue)

Baronet Paloma (of the House Jugalis, Daughter of Baron Winston)

(Human, F, 20, 5'5", 125#, Black, Blue)

Baronet Qwantrol (of the House Raidel)

(Human, M, 68, 5'11", 225#, Gray, Brown)

Baronet Timin

(Human, M, 37, 5'11", 218#, Black, Green)


Barony of Mol Baronets

Baronet Darmondan (of the House Fyka)

(Human, M, 38, 5'8", 162#, Brown, Brown)

Baronet Gypin

(Hobniz, M, 82, 3'3", 76#, Black, Amber)

Baronet Yarella (of the House Limer)

(Human, F, 49, 5'7", 162#, Auburn, Hazel)


Barony of Penwich Baronets

Baronet Alyce (of the House Melit)

(Human, F, 54, 5'3", 167#, Silver, Green)

Baronet Gaelsich (Son of Baron Connor)

(Human, M, 30, 6'1", 185#, Brown, Hazel)


Barony of Hagthar Baronets

Baronet Albruce (of the House Artim)

(Human, M, 24, 6'1", 195#, Black, Blue)


Marriage Alliances

Baron Tymak: Bn-Velysin, Bt-Homer

Baron Marakios: Bt-Shoremak

Baroness Elysia:

Baroness Kathryn: Bt-Harman

Baron Velysin: Bn-Tymak, Bn-Brewgen, Bt-Sarman

Baron Brewgen: Bn-Velysin, Bt-Gelim

Baron Farkaesh:

Baron Winston: Bt-Qwantrol

Baron Karadan:

Baron Thamas: Bt-Gelim

Baron Dunsting:

Baron Connor: Bt-Hodge

bnt. Banyon:

bnt. Gelim: Bn-Brewgen, Bn-Thamas, Bt-Hodge

bnt. Pardychis: Bt-Lykos

bnt. Versyk: Bt-Orward, Bt-Darmondan

bnt. Kharis: Bt-Harmon

bnt. Partallis: Bt-Lomax

bnt. Harman: Bn-Kathryn, Bt-Kharis, Bt-Sarman

bnt. Shoremak: Bn-Marakios, Bt-Kragos, Bt-Elryn, Bt-Chesae, Bt- Orward

bnt. Sodomic: Bt-Orward

bnt. Xelvia: Bt-Cryvek

bnt. Kragos: Bt-Shoremak

bnt. Orlinn: Bt-Timin

bnt. Timin: Bt-Orlinn

bnt. Gorbric: Bt-Grella, Bt-Homer

bnt. Elryn: Bt-Shoremak

bnt. Lykos: Bt-Qwantrol, Bt-Pardychis

bnt. Albruce:

bnt. Dynic: Bt-Homer

bnt. Sarman: Bn-Velysin, Bt-Harman, Bt-Qwantrol, Bt-Yarella

bnt. Grella: Bt-Gorbric

bnt. Bornardis: Bt-Cogwyn

bnt. Cryvek: Bt-Xelvia

bnt. Homer: Bn-Tymak, Bt-Gorbric, Bt-Dynic

bnt. Agamon: Bt-Turook

bnt. Yarella: Bt-Sarman

bnt. Qwantrol: Bn-Winston, Bt-Lykos, Bt-Sarman

bnt. Chesae: Bt-Shoremak

bnt. Cogwyn: Bt-Hodge, Bt-Bornardis

bnt. Alyce:

bnt. Turook: Bt-Agamon

bnt. Lomax: Bt-Partallis

bnt. Orward: Bt-Versyk, Bt-Shoremak, Bt-Sodomic

bnt. Darmondan: Bt-Versyk

bnt. Gypin:

bnt. Quenvae:

bnt. Hodge: Bn-Connor, Bt-Gelim, Bt-Cogwyn


Guilds and Masters

Architects and Stonemasons Master Dartockis

Bakers, Cooks and Millers Master Barner Wychef

Carpenters, Furniture Makers

and Barrel Makers Bnt. Versyk Dorn

Docks and Wharf-men Master Harmoric Seaward

Drovers, Teamsters

and Overland Freighters Bnt. Pardychis

Fishermen Master Quincy Ulvarin

Gold and Silver Smiths Master Morgan Raidel

Jewelers and Gem-cutters Master Augist Cyris

Landed Gentry Bnt. Gelim Zercach

Lawyers, Scribes and Accountants Master Pancheris Hylokamis

Leatherworkers and Tanners Master Julius Sorellis

Lumbermen and Woodcutters Master Chert

Merchants and Traders Bnt. Banyon Talsis

Miners and Quarriers Master Chervin Herch

Moneychangers and Pawnbrokers Master Cumaris Qu' Adim

Rafters, Freighters and Barge-men Master Bornard Skymist

Smiths and Metal Workers Master Byragin

Wineries and Brewers Master Lewas Crismin



Chamber of 13


Master Chervin Herch, Miners & Quarriers Guild

Master Cumaris Qu' Adim, Moneychangers & Pawnbrokers Guild

Master Lewas Crismin, Wineries & Brewers Guild

Friar Caernarvon, Church of Cuthbert

Father Darren Sarges, Church of Trithereon

Patri Shevrena, Church of Rao

Knight Bannerette Olivar DuMontes

Turpin Durblik, son of Bnt. Shoremak

Jerice Sorellis, son of Bnt. Sodomic

Oloa Wealver, daughter of Bnt. Orlinn

Nikos Ulbern, son of Bnt. Elryn

Karter Zercach, Master of the Landed Gentry Guild

Larent Pandes, son of Bnt. Hodge


Other Citizens of Note

King Urthgan Noniz King of Greenway Valley

Bishop Haufren Leader of the Church of Cuthbert

Father Cornelius Arx Leader of the Church of Trithereon

Patriarch Marliolus Legeum Leader of the Church of Roa

Master Juelihm Master of the Silver Consortium

Prince Melf Brighflame Nephew of Queen Yolande of Celene

Arthorn Braver Ranger Knight in Oakvein

Korbrak Benson Mage of Hommlet

Jarmaric Luviniac Master of the Academy of Farsight

Sir Jarek Highmount Knight Commander of the Mounted Borderers

Sir Alfentrask Knight Commander of the City Militia

Onet Hyranimous M No 463-112 Noniz Baronet

Erbern Derwent M Hu 528-47 Furyondy Ambassador.