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    Inside a dark chamber, you see a ruby podium,
upon which rests a note written in a flowing script...

    New Visitors and Returning Fans,

    Bayushi Kitsume has requested that all information
related to her adventures in the Underground
classified. Instead, she has asked that Northstar
aid her in construction a webpage to honor
her Clan and the brave and noble souls who
sacrifice their honor and good name for
the sake of an Empire.
Those of you still interested in
The Underground Times may step through
the archive door on your right.

    If you came in search of an L5R fanpage,
this should qualify as one, once
it is completed. For now, Kakita Seijiko's
Crane Clan is up and running, though it is
always under construction. Please step
through the door to your left.

Thank you for your time, and your
~~~Northstar, Kitsume, and Seijiko.

To the Crane

To the

Back to My Room To the Labyrinth Shrine

*The Scorpion Clan Mon and the pictures
of Bayushi Kitsume and Other L5R things
are owned by Wizards of the Coast/ Alderac.
However, the buttons and other web graphics
are mine. I created them.*