To ImaGeNasIaN's RelM


naMe>> Jimmy Truong
nicKz>> Khanfusion
RePPiN`>> Southern California
BiRthDaY>> July Tenth
SiGn>> Cancer
aGe>> 20
eThniciTy>> Vietnamese & Chinese
StaTuS>> Single
Tha Go0dz>> You Tell me, if there is any....
ScHo0L>> R.C.C. (Yea...I Kn0W,... a c0mmuNiTy c0LLeGe)
FaV f0oD>> VeGe HeaD... VeGeTaRiaN
FaV DriNk>> RasBeRRy IceD TeA......
FaV h0BBieS>> c0uNteR StRiKe BaBeH, PlaYin` p0oL, & c0FFee WiF MaH b0iZzZz....
TaLeNT>> DaNciN` CiRcLeZ aR0uNd PeePo0o...
FeAr>> *Losing people I love*
Qu0tE>> "Dont Tell me you love me unless you really mean it, because I might go and do something crazy like believe it."

I Close my eyes, I tell you how much I care
Then you smile and say to me, Let me be your Destiny.
I Close my eyes, Baby don't you understand
Anything you ask me to, I'll do everything for you.


*~Never Forget Me~*

"Are You Thinking of Me? Cause I'm Thinking of You ']['-Luu."

Left:Linh Center: Jimmy (Me) Right: John

Left :Emily Right: Me
AKA:Team Rocket BayBeE!!!

Those are my Girls, I Love you Guys!!!
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