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Cathedral of the Arch

This Time Imperfect
I cannot leave here, I cannot stay
Forever haunted, more than afraid
Asphyxiate on words I would say
I'm drawn to a blackened sky as I turn blue

There are no flowers, no not this time
There'll be no angels, gracing the lines
Just these stark words I find
I'd show a smile but I'm too weak
I'd share with you, could I only speak
Just how much this hurts me

I cannot stay here, I cannot leave
Just like all I loved, I make-believe
Imagine heart, I disappear...seems
No one will appear here and make me real.

There are no flowers, no not this time
There'll be no angels, gracing the lines
Just these stark words I find
I'd show a smile but I'm too weak
I'd share with you, could I only speak
Just how much this hurts me

I'd tell you how it haunts me
(Cuts through my day and sinks into my dreams.)

There are no flowers, no not this time
There'll be no angels, gracing the lines
Just these stark words I find.
I'd show a smile, but I'm too weak
I'd share with you, could I only speak
Just how much this hurts me
Just how much this hurts me
Just how much you...


Once before time was time, there was one and only one. He is the begining and the end, He created Heaven and Earth, and eventually Hell. There was an Utopia, there was peace in Paradise. All was perfect in the universe God had created. He had given creation to eight all powerful beings, The Arch Angels they were called. Given almost limitless power, to help guide and protect his creations. These eight carried out God's orders with loyalty and impunity and with out ever questioning their father. Four houses were named, the most illustrious being the House of "Quil~Ya" who produced the members that also included the Arch Angels Ramiel, Uriel, and of course the infamous defector, Lucifer. Once angelic blood was first shed in Paradise perfection began to deminish, innocence was lost forever. God bansished all who attempeted to oppose & over throw his authority away from him, away from the light. Where they would live for eternity with out God's love. Lucifer, the eldest of the Arch's and self proclaimed strongest proved that he was no contest for Micheal the greatest Angel of them all. Lucifer was then shun, casts from the gates of Heaven cast into the depths of Hell. He was given his kingdom of dirt, where he would rule ruthlessly over the souls who sought to live with out God's grace.
Displeased with his failure God set out to build a new Paradise, and sent some of those who hadn't fallen from grace to watch over his new creations, Man. For a time things were good but still Lucifer set to destroy what his father created. He tempeted and convinced Adam and Eve into disobeying their father as he once did. God grew angry, once again Paradise was ruined. For their disobedience He banished Adam and Eve from Eden... Yet, still God hadn't given up on humanity, he left his Gaurdian's, the Angels... One of these was an elite member of the House of Quil~Ya. He was left to supervise those would looked after the infant Man's new existance this Angel's name was Jinn.
Jinn, was a being that was created on the second day of all existence, and during the Great War he was a Grand General. Out ranked by only the Arch Angel Michael himself. Jinn was chosen as The keeper of the sky. For thousands of years he silently stood by watching and helping those in need, before he too was cast from heaven himself...
After his exile, anger grew in him there was a time when he would have stormed the Pits of Hell and tore down the Gates of Heaven for his Banishment. Though he was pardoned several millinea later, and many eon's had past. Man grew prominate in their realm. Yet the Angels remained always there, watching helping guiding... After his pardon, Jinn was elected by God himself to succeed his brother and now he is the Eighth and Final Arch, Chosen by God and the other Archs to sit next to Micheal and take his brother Lucifer's long vacant place...

He is currently taken by none, Jinn has two daughters Athena from his second wife Gaia, and Amber Sunset the oldest from his first wife Dawn. Also one Son named Nathaniel from his first wife, Dawn as well, yet there is a grave a top a hill that bares the inscription "Here lies the Purest Angel Born to the House of Quil~Ya. Jinn Jr."
Normally manifiested he stands 6’4”, 257lbs, with a build of an Elite Soilder. Waist long onyx hair, which stands a stark contrast to his fair skin tone. Clean-cut face, with white feathered wings (normally hidden) that extend a few feet above his head. Eyes that change color with his mood, and 1½” fangs, that can grow to 2”, when he becomes his full arch form he stands closer to 6’8” with almost a 30 foot wing span. His eyes change color with his mood in a single blink his usual eye color is either Crimson or Indigo, but he has several others...
He has Four 1-On the Small of his back just above his ass, has a tattoo of an ornatly decorated cross that is upside down. 2-Wraping around his waist, starting just above his “manly hood” and coils up to just under his belly button. 3- An ornately decorated cross upon his left arm. 4-Same as "3" but on the right arm.
Personality traits:
He is a quiet one, but when he speaks he seems to be a kind person to know. Always the gentalmen Jinn has the charm to get what he wants, from who he wants. Yet we all do have our darker sides, he has been know to be a slaver, and murder, he was taught Soildery by the greatest warrior ever to exist The Arch Angel Micheal act like an idiot, threaten him, his freinds, his daughter or son, or Ex-Wives, you just may meet Alastar. He doesn’t have many enemies, has some aquaintances though, and has one male freind...His Brother Phoenix Firestorm.

A thin Skin tight black long sleeve shirt that has arms that come down to his mid-forearm is wat adorn's his upper torso. The close fit would give him every advantage in a hand to hand combat situation over baggier clothes. Black loose fitting riding pants gave him the movment requried, and black boots. It was not an elegant uniform, or a uniform at all for that matter. He didn't need to dress flashy or mysterious he had a personality that did that for him...
Divine & Arcane-Magic/Powers:
Divine: Can teleport from place to place if need be, though he isn't one for grand entrances... Mastery of the skys, can control the weather, the storms and clouds. He can summon electricity at will can not be shocked or electricuted.
Arcane: Most of his wounds heal almost immidately. He is not a vampire, but he does have a taste for blood. It gives him streath beyond normal, it is almost like a drug to him where he does not suffer any negitive side effects but he does at times lise for the life essance of another.
At his side a long sword with a decorated Hilt. The bluish metalic color seems to eminate an energy, this is no mere sword, think of it as more as a servent of Jinn for no other can wield it. To do so would kill by electricution on contact, this is Alastar... Also he has a holster type sheath that with thin, strong straps that blend against his shirt that hold a Gladius that is slung upside down on his back, this is concealed by his hair as it usually hangs over it.

Screen Name:
Arch Angel (1st Gen), Eighth Seated.

Mun Rules
1-Absolutly no Non-Forum DM's AA's etc.
2-No Non-Dice attacks with out mun consent, I worked for my dice I want to use them, plus its only fair how else you gonna determine a winner.
3-Mature RP please. That don't mean you can't be silly. Just don't be a moron....