Hewdamia - Where Legends are Made.
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Image by Ken D. Webber of Scripted Minds

Scripted Minds

The gaming system of Hewdamia is based in a fantasy world and setting. All of it is ficticious and made up from my imagination and those that helped create the world with me. At no time should any of this information within be considered real, unless otherwise stated in the book as being from another source outside of my imagination.

Description of Fantasy. What is it? How does it work?

Fantasy, (noun) : playful imagination, a daydream satisfying some desire.

That is exactly what it says, a fantasy. Make believe, your imagination, a dream or wish. Your fantasy, my fantasy, your friends fantasy. It can be whatever you wish it to be. Fantasy is from your playful imagination. It is something that is created from your mind and desires and made into a daydream of every wish and desire that is satisfying in some manner. Rarely is it based on sound reasoning or factual statements.Some games on the market that are factual in their mechanics are still considered a fantasy because of the desires and images that it sends to your mind every time you partake in one. These would normally be Sci-Fi type game, but they are still considered fantasy because of the imagination involved when dealing with the game. There are four things that a good gamer needs in order to game well. These are...

1) Imagination.
2) Role-playing ability or acting.
3) Common sense, as well as some book sense.
4) Sense of humor.

You will need a good imagination to make your fantasy come alive in your mind. A good fantasy and a good imagination will send tingles doun your body when your character gets excited or in danger.

You will need good role-playing and acting skills because you will become that person. It is no longer, "What would they do in this situation?" It is now, "What am I going to do in this situation!" You become the person, or creature, that is your character. You are their mind and you control their actions. A good gamer knows how to get into the mind of their character and know how they would react to a given situation. Most people just make a carbon copy of themselves, or a desire of what they want to be, and continue to create those half life shell of a character that has no depth and meaning.

You will need common sense to continue the life of your character. Those people that just run blindly into any situation and not think or look about what could happen normally end up dead. Book sense is normally only needed to figure out complicated senarios and riddles or puzzles that the G.O.D. puts before the characters to try and hinder their progression.

Having a sense of humor is a major advantage. You will no doubt lose characters that you like throughout your role-playing experience. You will eventually be able to laugh at the demise of your characters and have stories to tell over slow gaming sessions. It makes for a closer gaming group and less stressful environment to play in. If you can laugh at yourself when you die, you are a step ahead of those that get angry and frustrated every time their characters so much as get a scratch. Laugh about it, and enjoy it. It is only a game, winning isn't everything after all.

Description of Role-playing. What is it? How do you do it?

Role, (noun) : The part in which an actor/ actress is cast in a play, opera, etc. The part that a person plays in a specific situation.

Play(ing), (verb) : To take part in a game or games, to perform the role of a character in a performance. To take part and become a role in a play or performance.

Role-playing : The part in which a person plays a character in a given situation and performs and acts the part of that character.

Role-playing is excatly that. You play the role of a character within the game that the G.O.D. creates. You will act out that characters ideas, movements, and actions. Think back to the time when you were a kid and played ‘cowboys and indians' or ‘gins'. The old perverbial, "I got you!" and "No you didn't!" still ring in my mind from those fun free days of childhood.

That was your imagination running wild. That was your first episodes at role-playing.

Think of acting. We are acting out a part in a story that is being told while we watch. We, ‘the players', are all actors and the G.O.D. is the director, telling us the story, the setting, and the situation that is unfolding before us and that we create by role-playing.

At no time should this be looked at as being real or played as being real. It is still a game and always will be a game. It is for fun only. Anyone taking it beyond that is responsible for their own actions and I would ask them not to play this game as it might give it and me a bad reputation. This game was ment to be fun and played for fun. No one should get hurt in the playing of this game.

The Object of a Character in Hewdamia

The object of the game is to become a Legend. A Hero that has become immortal through song, story, or been granted immortality from a God. The characters strive through life, doing whatever they can to become an Immortal in the eyes of the world, and themselves. They will not all be good people, not everyone that is a Legend in our world is a hero so to speak, or even good morally.

Look at Hitler and those that brought war and suffering to many while their names were written down in the history books. Hitler might not be an Immortal in the sense of living forever, but he will never be forgotten because of his exploits that brought the world to war.

Look at our nation. At our founding fathers and our presidents. They all had an impact on our nation and our history. Not all of them were good, but they are remembered in our history books as having an influence on us and bringing together a Nation.

How did they achieve this status of Immortal? They made decisions and forced actions that were deciding factors in all our lives. We see and feel these actions and their achievements still to this day. Why? Because they have been Immortalized in our history and our minds. We have made them Legends without even knowing it. Of course this is all opinionated, and should be taken as such, but that is the way of Hewdamia. The characters are trying to achieve what seems impossible. They can not reach God status, some try but all will fail. The best they can do is become a Legend in the eyes of the world and be Immortalized by the people or by the Gods themselves.

A character will not always be a person who is seen as being good and become a Legend or Immortal. If they are bad and inherantly evil, they could still be remembered in song and history. The Gods could even see fit to make them Immortal on their deeds alone. Of course it would have to be a God with similar views. As mentioned before, Hitler was not a saint. He did unspeakable things to many people, yet he is still remembered. The same goes for the characters and people in the world of Hewdamia. They could be striving for just that. Becoming Immortal though deeds of diabolic designs.

An average local hero will have a small reputation in the area as well as a town or two outside their immediate realm of influence. The town sherif for instance will no doubt be known if they are heavy handed on criminals that wander into their area. This can be a good thing and a bad thing. The more Legend Points the character gains, the better they are known and loved, but also, the more someone wants to get back at them and knock them down a few steps.

The world of a Priest is different then everyone else. Most do not want honor and glory. They just want to serve their God and spread the word of their God. What they gain, instead of the title of being a Legend, although some could be considered such. They gain the title of Saint.

Legends Points
Legends Points Status
1 - 50 Not important
51 - 200 Possibly known
201 - 500 Has small reputation
501 - 1,000 Has large reputation
1,001 - 2,000 Considered a local Champion
2,001 - 5,000 Considered a known Leader
5,001 - 10,000 Considered a Hero
10,001 - 20,000 Considered a Legend
20,001 - 50,000 Given a Quest by God
50,0001 Become Immortal in History

* The God given Quest is a quest given to them by a God that if they fulfill, then they can be accepted as an Imortal. This Quest is never easy, most do not complete the Quest they are given. Most end up dead from the attempt. When someone become Imortal through History, they are effectivly becomeing imortalized in song, story, and history. Their expliots are written about for everyone to hear and remember.

Gaining Legend Points
Every time a character gains a Rank, they gain a cumulative 5 Legend Points. So at Rank 10, they would gain 500 Legend Points. While this does not seem a lot when we compare it to the chart above, but you can not become a Legend on just gaining knowledge and skill. You have to use that knowledge and skill to gain recognition.

Gaining Legends Points
Affecting Party Legend Points Gained
Family 5
Large Group of People 10 - 20
Village 25 - 50
Small Town 50 - 75
Large Town 100
Small City 300
Large City 500
Country 1,000
Kingdom 2,000
World 5,000

The character's also gain points for defeating an enemy of their God, or of a group of people they are trying to help. For every Rank of the enemy, they gain 20 Legend Points.

So a Rank 2 character agrees to help a family from theives and brigands in the area. There is two men stealing their cattle and they want it stopped. The Rank 2 character seeks them out and defeats them, whether verbally or physicaly is up to the character and the G.O.D. to deside how the character must win the confrontation. They gain points by stopping the thieves from stealing. The two men were only Rank 1 so it was a little problem that not many people will hear about. The Rank 2 character now has a total of (55) Legend Points. 40 for the two brigands, 10 for him being Rank 2, and 5 for him helping the family in need. It is a slow start, but the family will no doubt start speaking his name when they travel to town, and that is how it all begins.

It is also possible to lose Legend Points. If the character does something that is against their normal actions, for instance a local sherif that lets a killer go free when it is known that he was guilty, it will fall back on them and reduce their reputation in the opposite direction. Or if a local bully or thief gives away money for no reason other than to help someone or make someone else happy. They lose an amount triple than that earned on the chart by how known this act is. If it is widely known in a large town, they would lose (300) Legend Points.

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