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The Gryphon's Perch

My Favorite Web Sites

Elfwood has amazing artwork and stories, both fantasy and sci-fi.
Apocalyptica is an amazing band from Finland. Picture classical meets metal in a sweaty quartet of headbanging celloists...
Waterloo By Night Larp. Vampire The Masquerade.
Joe Cartoon has the nastiest animation... those poor gerbils heh heh heh Want to find something? Look here.


Hello all! My name is Morgan, and I hope you enjoy yourself laughing at my efforts at building a website. My site is permanently under construction, as if you couldn't tell. Give me some time, and hopefully it'll get better. And for my friends out there who know how to do this stuff, I'll be pestering you for help! ;) Oh yeah, and MURF!

I love reading and writing fantasy, not to mention dragons, gryphons, unicorns, gargoyles, etc! And thanks to Dee for the little flappy gargoyle and all her help!

And for those who are wondering about and/or noticing the pentacle, yes, I am a witch. Isn't it a pretty star? For more info on Witchcraft, click on the twirling star.
Let's see... I was having a ton of trouble getting images onto this damn thing, I kept getting the dreaded little red X... That's fixed, but does anyone have any suggestions? I'm amazed I figured out how to get a guest book on here without any help!

Click here to learn more about me.
Click here for my Photo Album.
Click here for links to Friends.
Click here for my site about live action role playing, including pics.