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On this page you will find links to the pictures done by Michale Barnes, the Artist for the website.

Drawings: (C) Michale barnes
Characters in Drawings: (C) their Players
Website: (C) Me, Allester Elishia Darkflame

Allester E. Darkflame

The Good stuff =^^=

Angelica- Mink
Astoreth and Nekora- Dragons
More Astoreth and Nekora- Dragons
Again with Astoreth and Nekora- Dragons
Auaron Darkflame- Kitsune/Dragon
Auaron and NightTalon Darkflame- Kitsune/Dragon and Dragon
More Auaron and NightTalon- Kitsune/Dragon and Dragon
Azure and Nekora- Dragons
Azure and Strawberry_S- Dragon and Skunk
Azure in Color!- Dragon
Azure Smirking- Dragon
Azure Summoned- Dragon
Azure and a Tremayne- Dragon and Tiger
Cyristal SkyBlazer Darkflame- Dragoness
Damon Trask- Dragon
Dash- Horse
Dash- Horse
Dhaison- Hellhound
Nekora and NightTalon- Dragons
NightTalon, Azure and Strawberry_S- Dragon, Dragon, Skunk
Eternal Blue Rain(Picture)
Eternal Blue(Picture)
NightTalon- Dragoness

Fiera- Phoenix
Flit- Dragoness
Henrietta- Somthing =^^=
Indigo- Dragon
Indigo VS Kristoph- Dragon and Jackle
Indigo- Dragon
Jericho- Horse
Jurrel- Feline
Kristoph- Jackle
Lina- Dragoness
Lina- Dragoness
Malak- Naga
Artist Mike B.- Dragon
Azure- Dragon
Imperia- Wasp
Kin- Feline
Kin- Feline
Lina- Dragoness
Mesha- Dragoness
Nade- Felina
Psycho- Feline
Tempest- Dragoness
Artist Mike B.- Dragon
Nada- Feline

Naja- Naga
NightTalon- Dragoness
NightTalon- Dragoness
NightTalon- Dragoness
NightTalon- Dragoness
NightTalon- Dragoness
NightTalon- Dragon
NightTalon- Dragon
NightTalon- DragonTaur
NightTalon- DragonTaur
Nubia- Jackle
Artist Mike B.- Dragon
NightTalon- Dragon
NightTalon and Strawberry_S- Dragon and Skunk
Shia- Somthing....
NightTalon- Dragon
Stefanie- Rabbit
Strawberry_S- Skunk
Tempest- Dragoness
Tigris- Feline
Tremayne- Feline
Azure, NightTalon, Strawberry_S- Dragon, Dragon and Skunk
Wine- Feline
Entrance Page