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Matron Daer

Out of two hundred or so drow, twenty-five survived to meet Eilistraee. Raven is one of these few, and second oldest of sisters that is a priestess to the Dark Maidien. Nicked named Flame, for her ways of being seductive, yet deadly like fire. She does not balk to anyone, regardless of rank, yet keeps protocol whensoever she deals with people.
Mostly travels freely about the realms, visiting those she deems worthy as comrades. Likes some of Tel'quessir taverns, but few true elves truly seem to be around these days. She likes to hear a good story of adventure or poetry.
An adventerous etriel, that loves life as it comes along... full speed. Likes things elven and items that strike the fancy of someones eyes. Likes fine elven wines, Saerloonian Glowfire or Topaz, at times Clarry [but too sweet], or even Arabellan Dry. Of late, has found a supplier of Morimarta from the underdark, but does not drink too much of it.

Had once found love in a man who she very much believed in. Yet in like many things of these realms we so grow to love as well, it was not true love coming back in return. So she became a widow from his own apparent suicide.
Alone and with child, she was watched over by her Elder and sister Trinity, who kept her safe for awhile. She has raised her 'Little Flame', Alexzandra alone. This little version of herself, Raven loves her with all she is. Lexi has grown to be so much like her mother and proudly defends her mother with all cost.

Shortly after Lexi's tenth birthday, Trinity departed to travel to the Astral Plane for some time. Trinity gave Raven the Matronship and all titles to House Daer to rule the clan, as well to keep the faith of survival alive. Not a easy task it seems, yet she tries very hard to keep the family ways honorable and all from killing eachother off.

The 'Flame' currently resides in Pale, the Golden City of Fey'ndor. She rides all about the countryside keeping busy and handling much of the realm lore for her dear cousin Feyd. At times when she is not wandering about like a banshee, she can be found either at the Tel' Istimamen' teaching or in the Market Square of Pale listening to the merchants tales of adventures.

Raven wears light armor, hooded daer'quessir piwafwi [cloak], carries Orbb'elggur ['Spiderslayer'- elven ranseur], Mori'wancam ['Dark Maiden Hand' - elven longsword], and her two daggers. Weapons, divine spells and psionics are at her use. She is deadly with each, as well her words and ways of protocol of the realms. Quiet at times, but always watchful for danger, friends and family.

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Matron - House Daer
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Enhancer Name
- / +
Daer'Quessir Chainmail
Daer'Quessir Piwafwi
House Daer Signet Ring
Orbb'elggur [ranseur]
Mori'wencam [longsword]
Daer'Quessir Daggers
x2 / +5
Flintlock Pistol
Daer'Quessir Boots / Sleath
+1 AA
Seal of Eilistraee
-1 AAP
Holy Symbol of Eilistraee
+5/+10 Att. Bonus
-13 Def. Bonus

310,060 Talons [gold]

[[ SN/Character Birth = 03/11/1999 ]]