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FireForge Clan of Destiny-Rpg

s you make your way up and about the mountains of the land, looking around the snow scape, trees and other foilage, it can be noticed that there is smoke rising slowly behind a thicket of pines and firs. Walking closer you start to make out what appears to be a large structure of sorts a dark brown and grey in color almost total blending to the rocks and trees of the terrain. You start to remember when you were in your younger days of hearing of such a place that was within the great mountains of the North that was made by dwarfs. Because of the long and treacherous venture, you take the chance of taking rest there. Coming to the massive doors of splendid oak and smithed metals, you knock. A short and hairy little dwarf answers the door and says...

"elcome ta me home an workshoppe of me and mah brotheren, da Clan of FireForge. Come on in, and relax fer awhile won't ya? ye can stay and look about fer yer liken's of me brothers. And ya can find out just what it takes ta be of me clan if ya wish...enough now. Come on befer ya catch da stiff beard...hehe. Ah drink will cheer ya up!".

hen you follow to hear all about the clan and its members after this dwarf that seems to always be drunk.

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