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Eiji's Keepster Gallery

Number of people who worship my site now:
Everyone loves me!  Mwa ha ha!

I have a new service! That's right! Look at this!
SilverWolf Blaze chibitized?
The Evil EijiH007...
Megami CatOwl!  ^_^
Yeah, I do sprites now. I have a ton of sprites in my RPG Maker files, and if you want a sprite (animated or not) for an AIM icon or whatever, I'll do it for you if I have a match in my files. I probably do have a match somewhere. Just tell me what you want, colors, and the animation type (some I have poses (not most tho) and I can have him spin, walk, walk in different directions, whatever, because I make the animations from the character sets. Just mail me...)


'Ello folks! You can call me Eiji! I'm one of the Keep regulars. BluesShinju, RekkaShinju, ClayShinju, BabyVioletShinju, BabyMouseShinju, Nox, Kala, QueenNerysAziza, RelicsPod, Mirage, Fayn, Levin, Maels, Mai Sonawaru, Opus Sonawaru, Toraneko, Alt Blues, Rolento, Seed, and a lot more are all the characters I play. Certainly a lot. Anyway, this site is dedicated to using my artistic talent to draw characters from the Keep. All drawings are done on my tiny laptop and it's tiny touchpad, so you better like them! Mwa ha ha ha ha... well, I think they're good. And now you can decide if you want handdrawn elements in it, now that the scanner works. See Kenichi and Handback? Both are handdrawn (the statue and Kenichi, and Hardback). Slightly different effect, and you can have that if you want. Now enjoy!
What's that? You want your picture done? Well either grab me in the Keep, or E-mail me at and tell me about your character, macro, any details, and if you have found someone who looks like them, send that picture too. I will work on it, in the order I get them, and mail you when I am done.
Oh yeah, things are on a first come, first serve basis, so I can't help it if you're at the end of a line of a lot of people. Don't worry I usually finish quick. Actual pictures take from 1-2 hours to make. Now GETTING TO the pictures depends. Usually I'm clear, but if I got a big report or something I have to do that first *sigh*. Okay, current jobs are:

2 I forgot....
My scanner blew up so it's taking a long time *sigh* but it will be up and running shortly*
I'm consitering redoing them on laptop, this is just taking waaaay too long to fix.

And remember...


Now follow the links and enjoy!

My masterpiece, the animated fight of awesomeness! : (Is it not nifty? Worship the Eiji.)

Yuke/Yuko : (It's the infamous welder!)

The Planet Tower : (This is it "asleep", so what does it do when it's awake? O_o)

Ground Plan for Atman Garden :(More to come, as soon as I get my main Atman Garden site up.)

Emerald Shinju : (Is there no end to the Shinju family!?)

The True Form of Flute : (This race was created by me. All things Chorea are mine, so worship me mortal!)
Airborne Flute : (Flute doing a sonic attack.)

The Inner Mind of EijiH007 : (So this is what floats through my head... plush chibi versions of my characters! Yeeha!)

Bob Jr, the grem! :(Aaaaaaaaaaa! I've gremmed!)

SWie's Face Sprite from Yuke Yuke Troublewelders : (Straight from the game.)

Kika : (Yeeeaah. I like the text I did for this one, and the lighting.)

Asly : (The parentless kittygirl gets her picture painted...)

Asly Made by Asly's Player : (I didn't do this! Many thanks to Asly's player for this fine work.)

Baby Violet Shinju : (Awwwww..... little know of her eeeeevil side.)

Kenichi : (This took a while, but it was good. Kenichi and the statue are hand drawn. This is a great wallpaper for your computer too.)

THIS IS A LINK TO A TEXT FILE ABOUT THE INFOMATION OF THE FOLLOWING THREE PICTURES. They are pictures of the Emerald Gundam made by Erion Altrion.
Heavy Armored Emerald Gundam thingy : (Bulky.)
Plane Mode Emerald Gundam thingy : (Zoom!)
Lightwieght Emerald Gundam thingy : (Nice.)

Dragon Tower Logo : (Old pic done for someone's site.)

Mai Sonawaru : (A quick doodle that I happened to like enough to fix up a bit and color.)

Gundam Vermeil Data File : (Alt Blues owns this Gundam. However Alt Blues has never been good at paint jobs.)
Gundam Vermeil (w/ it's shield on) : (The lightning design I made is pretty cool, so is the gundam. Still a icky paint job tho.)

Ermine Lagoon : (Ermine close up! Cute, but wear does she get her clothes?)

Lazurus Fighting (My Laz, not the one in the Keep) : (Old pic done at school. It looks so smooth cause it was done in a vector program. Too bad I no longer have this program. This is my character Laz, but a alt version of him. The original didn't have a metal arm. This still rocks!)
Lazurus Fighting Version 2(My Laz, not the one in the Keep) : (Old pic done at school. Same as above but with a BG. Yes, it's sideways. I know, but I don't feel like fixing it. :-P)
Lazurus Glaring(My Laz, not the one in the Keep) : (Old pic done at school. I can't get over how cool he looks.)

Super Cuddly Kawaii Goddess Kitti Nikki!!!! : (So cute, I just had to put it here. A request from CatOwl! ^_^)

Gundam Hardback : (Personal Gundam, produced on the USS Relic. Bulky! It's Ball Form is there too.)

Cea : (YES! Omegaman, let the Tank Police give YOU a nice day as well... HA HA HA HA! DIE OMEGAMAN DIEEEEEE!)

Fayn (ANIMATED) : (My not quite a real fox fox type anthro dude. He seems to be waiting for something.)
Fayn and Erm looking out of the Stargriff : (I love his chrome hair. Yes, it does look like that.)
Stargriff : (This is Fayn and Erm's ship. It's about 230 ft tall without the panels in the back, and 190 ft wide. A good ship.)

'Roo Doll : (AAAA! Warning, this picture has been known to give your cavities' cavities...scary thing is, it's probably the closest picture of RL me on this site, seeing how the character is just a ic version of me...)

Clay Shinju : (Clay shows his sayain side for the crowd...)
Clay Gets Lost : (REALLY old... I actually drew Clay and did the rest CG. This is when I had a working scanner... *sniff*)
((And yes, I did do the BG from scratch... made the planet, sun, stars, the works...))
ANIMATED Clay : (My first Animated GIF. Clay goes SEj!)

Neiko : (I love 'coons.)

The Lizard Man : (I haven't told you, I'm really a half dragon IRL. See! This proves it! This is my eye!)

Tempest Raven : (Oooo.... nice sword Raven. I did the sword as a seperate picture actually, then stuck it in there...)

FeliciaARX72 : (=^_^=)
Felicia the X-mas Kitty : (Meow meow meow meowwww...)
Felicia The Grem Slayer : (Death to all grems!)

Angel Dragonrayn : (An old pic, but nice. This is the wife of Teran. She's pretty nice. I like the water effect I did.)

Little Blues : (Just like Washu, Blues has forsaken the adult world and now roams the Keep as this...)
Blues Shinju, Grown Up : (Why do I keep thinking Darth Vader? Blues has a dark side after all... and yes, that is Liberation in his hand.)
Blues in 3D : (Mod pic. He does carry a Masamune now, as well as Liberation...)
Light Shining In Blues' eyes : (Mod pic. He looks calm and collected...)
Blues Smiling : (Mod. WHAT? He's smiling? Whoa!)
Blues is Caught : (Mod. Ha ha ha... actually, the other person looks like Kate, his wife, I think. I know she has black wings and purple hair, but not sure the lenght and I think her wings are bat like. Ah, this is funny.)
Erien Eye : (This is an erien eye, an old picture I did for a class, and yes, that is MY eye, the all holy cheesy Eiji Sqeiji!)
Blues Attacking... YOU! : (Mod pic. I wouldn't want to be on the end of that sword...)
Blues Eating : (Mod pic. Munch munch munch...)
Blues Chibitized : (Mod pic. Is he offering something to me?)
Blues the Painter : (Mod pic. Aaaaa! Paint just spilled on the picture! Nooo!)
Blues And his Creapy Eyes : (Mod pic. You lookin' at me? I said, are you lookin' at me?)
Blues Researching : (Mod pic. He's finally getting some sleep though, even while he researches.)
Chibi Kawaii Blues Crying : (Mod pic. Whaaaa! He's TOO cute! Somebody hug him!)
Blues The Bloody Angel : (Mod pic. It hasn't happened yet, but you have no idea how... truthful this innocent looking picture really is...)
Blues Glancing Back : (He has the stripes on that form when he shifts to any of his powered up states.)
BluesShinju and BabyKate : (This is pretty old, but nice.)
Blues Relieved : (A mod. Whew, that was close.)
SD Blues Attacks : (A mod. Blues learned the sword arts as a child.)
Blues in SD and Lookin' Good : (A nice mod, I even put lens flare.)
BluesShinju and BabyKate Get Married : (Old too, but this is when they got married in Clay's Garden! How cute...)

Gundam Wing, IN CONCERT! : (Old pic for school, but kinda funny really.)

Baseball Dragon : (Old pic done for someone's site. Awww, how cute, it's a chibi draggy poo.)

Zervan Arkship : (The old arkship that Mouse now uses as her floating base of death...)

Galehodin : (His hand is burnt. Ouch. Btw, sorry for the misnaming of this character as Gavin.)

Mileena : (I like the glowing staff.)

Lili : (I actually made the sky... love that knife!.)

Red Capa : (One of the members of the pokemon rpg I run.)

My Evil Eye : (May my eeeeeevil eye follow you eternally!)

Nergel : (A dragon done for a site. Old. Gotta love the eye.)

Shard : (I'm sure this will make male Keepsters flip. O_o)

Juno in a Volcano : (From the same universe as Neku, Juno is a Flareon. I made the rocks, sky, lava, rocks... everything. Like it? It's pretty old though...)

Teran and Angel at the Docks : (Awww, this time they are human.)

Teran : (This is Teran, the husband of Angel from above...)

Zokunen : (He's a character of mine, and looks similar to Sonic's "Chaos".)

Relic!! :(Here is a rare peak at the mysterious ship of the gods Relic, the immortal wnaderer of time. YEEEEE!)

Eiji's Mind... : (There is also a character I have named Eiji. Recently he went insane and his psychic friend, Relm (the girl in the bubble) had to go into his mind and save him. This would be that scene...)
Injured Eiji : (When he went insane he was also injured at the time. I like how I did the bandages... old pic.)
Eiji In Rain : (Picture of Eiji taken while he was in China with a Rain stained camera. Poor picture, but few would know the BG use to be bright and sunny...)
Eiji Hyrule : (One of my early attempts, but it's pretty good.)

Mylon/Michan : (Just like Ranma, want to see what happened when Mylon gets wet? Mwa ha ha ha ha *Grabs a water balloon*)

Ten-Chan : (Awww.... how... how..... evil. ^_^)

Mouse Shinju Sketch : (I like the hair. Like Fayn's.)
Gundam M! Yeah, Gundam Mouse! : (A neat mod. Her placing between Heero and Quatre is there for a reason. ^_^)
Mouse Eating Grapes Wallpaper : (A mod. Mouse looooooves grapes, but I think we caught her off gaurd.)
Aegis Gundam Takes Flight : (!!!! A GREAT mod of Aegis. Wow, it's looking good!)
Aegis and Mouse : (Those wings where a lot harder to do that you would imagine....)

The following pictures are pictures that I modified to look like my character.
Mouse, ANIMATED : (My first animated GIF mod! Yay!)
Mouse and Pen : (I'm glad I found this, because Mouse really does like penguins and other polar animals.)
Mouse Wallpaper : (Looks real serene. A mod.)
Aegis Gundam, with Twin Buster Rifle : (A nice mod... the tail is behind the legs out of sight, and it doesn't use a twin buster rifle, but it doesn't matter, still looks good!)
Mouse's Future : (This is the world Mouse came from, a land of death and pain, where the only thing you could do is run for your life, or die.)
Mouse Shinju Wearing Blue : (Doesn't she look cool?)
Mouse Waiting (ANIMATED) : (This was tough to do, I had to remove her weapon, rebuild her face, and add a tail.)
Mouse's Memories : (Nice, but why does it feel like something that should be done for the dead? Brrrr....)
Mouse Shinju With Siefer's Trenchcoat : (Looks like she stole Siefer's coat. I wonder if that's how she got her weapon, a Gunblade...)

Go to page 2.

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