S'uh Zzir


Dark was the sky Dark indeed for the time of day, candles burned furious in a futile attempt to keep light within the house sudden sound emanating from behind oaken door, cry of child newly manifested into this cursed world, by the age of 5 S’uh had devised many ways of manipulating people his training in the dark arts nothing out of the ordinary for any drow, at the age of 10 S’uh secretly began to poison his parents in order to gain their estate and wealth believing it was the will of Lloth this continued for another 5 years or so the poison slowly working its course through their systems then one eve it took its toll both parents slumping face down in their meals, soon after S’uh inherited immense wealth and power from his family’s legacy over the years beginning to build up his fighting prowess in order to crush his foes, his devoted servitude to Lloth however was indeed repaid in full Lloth granting him the gift of a magical claw with which he can harness the true power confined within the murky depth’s of his soul, once every century Lloth grants S’uh another gift in return for a sacrifice which Lloth herself may consume S’uh’s last gift was that of Immortality so to speak his form ageing no longer remaining as it is for eternity yet a heavy price must be paid for such a powerful gift to stay in affect….S’uh must devour blood of humanoids daily otherwise he shall loose his immortality returning to his natural aged state. To this day S’uh continues these rituals in service to Lloth for whom can truly say they wish to grow old and die? Is not immortality what mortals long for above all else? And death what they most fear? That is the case here S’uh holding great influence among his fellow kin a spider like entity engraved into facial flesh with ink like substance indication of his social standing…..


S'uh's Weapons