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Pokemon: Special Operations Character Sheet

Name: Luke "Reagan" Reagan
Age: 23
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 138 lb
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Skin: Fair

Standing at just under six feet tall and with less than 140 pounds, Reagan is a tall, slim young man. At times he seems pristine, and at others completely unkempt. This ultra-practical dress-style is often enough to drive more fashion-oriented trainers crazy.

Reagan is a quiet, introverted person, with a penchant for ultra-practicality and over working himself. People who spend time with Reagan will often find themselves annoyed by his tendency to be over-productive, and politely critical of people who aren't. Reagan tends to play by society's rules mostly for practical reasons: they work, and they're a pain in the neck to go against. For this reason, Reagan is relatively sociable, but he has a small social presence and is easily ignored.

"You can do anything you want" is just a cliche for most people, but for Reagan its a stone's throw from the truth. A quick study and a bright mind, Reagan has succeeded at nearly everything he has set his mind to, including a "double major" in Pokemon Research and Veterinary Art. Wanderlust has proved to be his undoing, however, and he has put his Master's degree(s) on hold to travel the world. Coming from a very moneyed background, all Reagan really has to do is make sure he doesn't out spend the interest on his assets.
A random curiosity is that Reagan is trained in traditional sword and shield fighting. He keeps both in top condition, and is rarely seen without his set. This is largely due to the same reason his Jeep so heavily modified: Security. Being the son of a wealthy and powerful family, he could easily be the target for kidnapping schemes and extortion.


Beinth (Dratini)
Gender: Female
Nature: Adamant
Moves: Wrap, Dragon Breath, Thunder Wave, Dragon Rage
Special Ability: Shed Skin - A Dratini may heal its own status problems.
Like Pyre, Beinth is a well-bred Pokemon, but unlike Pyre, Beinth is very much aloof and relatively disobedient. Beinth has proven to be quite the challenge for Reagan, but one to which he is rising. Beinth holds something of a special place for Reagan, as she is the offspring of a line of Dragon Pokemon going back 3 generations in his family.

Pyre (Charmeleon)
Gender: Male
Nature: Mild
Moves: Scratch, Flare Blitz, Ember, Dragon Rage
Special Ability: Blaze - A Charmander can power-up its fire-type moves in a pinch.
Pyre is a well-bred Pokemon, from an award-winning sire. Reagan treats him well, and he is completely content with his life as a near pet. However, when push comes to shove, he is a fierce combatant, despite his small size.

Digger (Sandshrew)
Gender: Male
Nature: Gentle
Moves: Defense Curl, Double Edge, Sand Attack, Poison Sting
Special Ability: Sand Veil - A Sandshrew can hide very effectively in sandy environs, and even raise its evasion. Digger was a Pokemon that ran away from its previous owner due to neglect. The girl's parents made her give up her Pokemon, and decided that Reagan should have it. Digger is, however, a very kind and intelligent Pokemon. Reagan has spent more time teaching Digger than his other Pokemon because of his history.

Honos (Poochyena)
Gender: Female
Nature: Adamant
Held Item: Soothe Bell
Moves: Poison Bite, Odor Sleuth, Assurance, Take Down, Pursuit
Special Ability: Quick Feet – Boosts Speed if there is a status problem Reagan’s Poochyena comes from his sister’s Mightyena, a truly remarkable specimen of the Mightyena line. The sire is unknown by Reagan, so it remains to be seen as to whether or not this Poochyena will live up to its dam’s reputation.

Robur (Aron)
Gender: Male
Nature: Bold
Moves: Tackle, Harden, Strength
Special Ability: Rock Head – Does not receive recoil damage from recoil-causing damages.
Reagan knows that his Aron is stolen, but he can’t prove it, and has not evidence as to who the original owners are. So, he cares for and trains the creature as if it were his own, knowing that one day, he will find out who the owner is and return it.