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The sound of thundering hooves near you, as you look up you see long golden hair trail behind the rider like the tail of a comet as it streaks across the star filled night sky. As the rider nears you see her deer skin clad form upon the back of the massive, midnight hued war horse. It's then reined to a hault and with a graceful ease, she slips from it's back to land upon the ground at its side, taking the reins in hand as she lead him down the busy streets. Her curvatious form is deceptive of her finely attuned skills.
Languid steps of pantheric grace carry her past those along the street, hardened liquid pools of honeyed gold alertly glance about her, a slight tilt of her head in silent greeting to those she passed as she continues on her way indifferently. Waist length golden hair flows behind in her movements as it cascades over her shoulders to drift about her hips. Long ebon hued cape, billows in the wake of those well placed steps, to nip at heels and dance about her form like a wraith set into motion.
Light chain mail upon her form when on duty, a well crafted gold toned dragon sword upon her side, a thick ebon and gold braided leather belt holds it in place. She can show mercy and compassion as well as fierceness
A wisdom be noted about her once one takes the time to see for themselves. Want her attention, impress her with intelligence. Always one ready to discuss, politics, religion or any debatable topic. Diplomatic duties have made her quite able to hold an opinion upon any matter, or work one up with information offered forth.
As the evening draws to an end, her departure would hold the same entering grace, noble in stature. The massive equine would again be seated upon, then with a swift kick to his sides, off they charge into the night, as if the two were one with it.

"For the sake of others, thousands of lives have been taken by my hands, but my vigilance comes with a price"

copyright 1994.