Dragon Warrior Monsters
Author: MegaSlime
Date: 8/21/00
Version: 1.0
E-mail: Gamefreak54@hotmail.com or Pocketgamer500@juno.com


This game is popular in Japan and it is named Dragon Quest Monsters is been a long time since they release a Dragon Warrior game to the US. This game
is a combination of role playing and catching monster and taming them much like pokemon except it has breeding and it is more complex.

The Story

It starts off with you and your sister bedroom and then a monster named Warubou came out of the drawer and took your sister and jumped back in to the drawer.
Second later a monster named Watabou came out of the drawer and told you that if you want to save your sister you have to follow him. So you jumped into
the drawer with watabou and then your journey begins........

Controls A-Button It will take you to a menu screen where you can check you monster current Hp and MP. B-Button go back a screen or say no is the B button. Select button It takes you to a map(only in the mystic world) to see where you have been
D-Pad Moves Terry around Start button let you see the level of your monster and the condition of your monsters.
The Menu screen Press A button to take you to the menu screen. Check your HP and MP. There are also four places to go INFO, ITEM, SKILL, OPTION. Also when you press start on the menu screen it shows you the time, monsters that you have, name how many are a wake and asleep on the farm. Info Lets you see the current Hp Mp and the maxed HP and MP. See you stats ATTACK DEFENSE AGILITY AND INTELLIGENCE.
You get to see the gender the name the personality. What family it is in. How much exp your monster receive already and how much it needs to the next level.
It shows the name of the species like Drakslime KingSlime etc..... Shows you the skills and spells that your monster have. Shows you the parents that made this monster.

Note: If you get a monster in the wild it has no parents.


Let you see the item you have with you. Also this lets you use the item or throw it away. Press the A button and it will show you the description of your item.


This will let you use some skills that is useable out of battle like Heal, Stepgaurd. It also shows you the description of you skill.


There are four choices to pick Text speed Change order change plan and Journal.

Text Speed

Let you change how fast the text will be.

Change Order

This let you change the order of you monsters.

Change Plan

Lets you change the plan CHARGE MIXED CAUTIOUS COMMAND.


Make you monster make more critical hits by your monster.


Let your monster use some spcial skills like Heal, Fireslash etc...


Make your monster supportive like heal your monster if they have it.


Let you command your monsters.

Places in Great Tree

The Monster Farm

At the very top of Great Tree there is a monster farm much like monster day care. You can drop off, pick up, check, separate and sleep monster here. You can drop off 19 monster after you got 19 monster you have to sleep them so you can add another 19 monsters. After you get 38 monster total you have to separate some monsters.
Tip, separate the monsters you don't use for a long time that you forgot.

The King's Throne room

This place is when you talk to the king about your next thing to do. The minister heals you and give you herbs for free. The room to the left contain some useful stuff.

The Arena

This is the place where the classes and the Starry Night Tournament is held. The places around the arena are people that will offer breeds at a certain time. You can also find the Queen of Great Tree. There are also some traveler gates hidden here.

The Library

Here you can read about the monsters that you got. There is a traveler gate here but you need 100 monsters as your pals to go to it.

The Vault

If you lose in a battle you will lose some of your items and money. So if you don't want to lose your items you can deposit here.

The Bazaar

Here you can buy items and sell your items. Sell your items to earn money. There are also a few traveler gates here.

The Egg Evaluator

The women let you know the gender of the monster to be born. She could also bless eggs which mean should could change the gender of your monster.

Shrine of Starry Night

This place is where you can breed your monster to get stronger monster and get rare monsters that no ever saw before.

The Medal Man

This is where you trade in your medal and give it to the medal man. If you have enough he gives eggs. Here is the chart

13 Medals: Zapbird
18 Medals: Trumpeter
25 Medals: Spikerous
30 Medals: Metabble

The Queen You can see the queen if you beat the goopi in paper scissor rock in the arena. She will ask you to show her some monster and then she will give you some item for it. Here is the chart:

Monster list >>>>>>> Item
WingSlime ....... Sirloin
KingSlime ....... INTseed
Florajay ....... AGLseed
CurseLamp ....... DEFseed
Metaly ....... LifeAcorn
WildApe ...... ATKseed
HornBeet ...... MysticNut
Reaper ...... HorrorBK
Pheonix ...... CheaterBK
WhiteKing ...... ComedyBK
KingLeo ...... SmartBK
RainHawk ...... BeNiceBK
Armorpion ...... QuestBK
Rosevine ...... LifeAcorn
GoldGolem ...... TinyMedal
Divinegon ...... TinyMedal


These are the traveler gates. It takes to a mystic world where monster live. At the very bottom of the mystic world you will fight some bosses. There are also some special floors in the mystic world. Some place you could save and some you can't. Some are mazes.

Special Floors


This place lets you heal your HP and MP just talk to the bishop also you could save here.


You could buy and sell here. It also have worldleafs which let you revive a monsters. If you sell here you sell your item for the full price. You could also save here.

Treasure Room

Here you can get some item that you will need but be careful if you are far in the game some treasures can be mimics. You could also save here.

The Forest

This is a maze, you find your way out. Also you can't save here.


Here you will fight trainers to get exp and items.

Dungeon Maze

Another maze, gotta find your way out. Also no saving

Conveyor Floor

Another maze. This time the belts take you place places. No saving here.


Here I going to show the bosses of each gate

Gate of Beginning
Floors: 4(not counting the boss level)
Monsters:Slime, Dracky, Anteater
Common Items:Herbs
Special Floors:none
Boss: Healer
Hp 40 Mp 7
Skill heal

Gate of Villager
Floors: 4
Monsters: Anteater, Picky, Stubsuck, GoHopper, Gremlin Pillowrat
Common Items: herb, beefjerky, gold
special floors: Church, FairyShop
Boss: Dragon
Hp 90 Mp 60
Skills Fireslash, Fireair

Gate of Talisman
monsters: anteater minidrak spooky armyant goopi picky
Common item: herb beefjerky gold
special floors: church fairyshop
boss: Golem
Hp 100 Mp 20
Skills ChargeUp PsycheUp StrongD

Gate of Memories
Floors 4
Monsters:Goopi PillowRat DragonKid Catapila Picky Fairyrat SoptSlime
Common Items: Herb Beefjerky gold
Special Floors: Chuch fairy Shop
Boss: MadCat
HP 200 MP 30
Skills VacuSlash SquallHit Leg Sweep

Gate of Bewilder
Floors 5
Monsters: Minidrak Bigroost DragonKid SpotSlime Evilseed Demonite Hork
Common Items: Herb Beefjerky Gold
Special Floors: Treasure Room Chuch Fairy Shop
Boss FaceTree
HP 400 MP 100
Skills: StopSpell Curse OddDance

Gate of Peace
Floors 7
Monsters Bigroost SpotSlime coilbird Crestpent DragonKid Boneslave Almiraj Hork Bullbird
Common Item: Herb Lovewater Beefjerky Gold
Special Floors Treasure Room church Fairy Shop
Boss FangSlime
HP 400 MP 40
Skills: ChargeUP CallHelp WarCry

Gate of Bravery
Floors 8
Monsters Demonite 1EyeClown Beanman Floraman SabreMan GiantWorm Bullbird
Common Items Herb Lovewater Beefjerky Gold
special Floors Treasure Room Chuch Fairy Shop
Boss BigEye
HP 500 MP 40
Skills SnowStorm Heal Iceair

Gste of Anger
Floors 10
Monsters Giantworm Giantslug Poisongon Catfly Eyeder Putrepup Drakslime
Common Items Herb Lovewater Porkchop Gold
Special Floors Lost Forest Church Fairy Shop
Boss: BattleRex
HP 1000 MP 50
Skills: EvilSlash Metalcut Blazeair

Gate of Strength
Floors 10
Monsters MudDoll TreeSlime SkulRider FairyDrak WingTree DrakSlime
Common Item Herb Lovewater Porchop Gold
Special Floors Lost Forest Church Fairy Shop
Boss StoneMan
HP 500 MP 36
Skills Cover SuckAll

Gate of Joy
Floors 13
Monsters: Snaily Gulpple Saccer MadPecker Eyeball Babble Mummy
Common Item: Lovewater porkchop rib Fairy Shop
Special Floors: Conveyor Floor Church Fairy Shop
Boss FunkyBird
HP 1200 MP 160
Skills PaniDance Hustle LifeDance

Gate of Wisdom
Floors 14
Monster Facer Tonguella Florajay Pteranod Armorpede
Common Item: Lovewater porkchop rib gold
Special Floors: Conveyor floor Church Fairy Shop
Boss SkyDragon
HP 1200 MP 150
Skills: Suckair Scorching

Gate of Happiness
Floors 17
Monster Gasgon Oniono Pixy Gophecada DeadNite StubBird Spikyboy
Common Items Lovewater PorkChop Rib Gold
Special Floors Church Fairy Shop treasure room Lost Forest Coliseum
Boss Jamirus
HP 1600 MP 175
skills Blazemost Quadhits Stormwind

Gate of Temptation
Floors 19
Monsters Spikyboy Mommonja Kingcobra SlimeNite StagBug MistyWing Darkeye
Common Items lovewater porkchop Rib gold Mimic Chest
Special Floors Church Fairy Shop Treasure Room Coliseum
Bosses: Centasaur
HP 220 Mp 115
Skill StopSpell Fireslash Rainslash

HP 1000 MP 250
Blazemost Blizzard Focus

Note: Servant will join if you give him some treats like Sirloin and Ribs

HP 175 MP 98
skills Fireslash Boltslash Drakslash

Gate if Labyrinth
Floors 22
Monsters; Chamelgon Cactiball Taileater Rockslime Gismo Duckkite Agdevil Windmerge
Common Items Lovewater Rib Gold Mimic Chest
Special Floors Church Fairy Shop Treasure Room Dungeon Maze Conveyor Floor
Boss DarkHorn
Hp 2000 Mp 130
Skills SleepAll StopSpell PsycheUP

Note: Darkhorn can join if you give him treats. To go to DarkHorn you hae to go UP, UP, UP, Left, Down, Down Left. you could also talk to the Dragon in the stable for this info.

Gate of Judgment
Floors 24
Monsters WeedBug Treeboy HammerMan MadGoose SpotKing Droll LizardFly GiantMoth
Common Items Lovewater Rib Gold Mimic Chest
Special Floors Treasure Room Lost Forest Church Fairy Shop Coliseum Dungeon Maze Conveyor Floor
Boss Akubar
HP 2000 MP 400
skills Explodet Focus IceStorm

Gate Reflection
Floors 28
Monsters Evilwand Evilbeast Shadow Slimeborg Lizardman Grizzly Wyvern FireWeed MadHornet Lionex RotRaven JewelBag
Common Item Lovewater Rib gold Mimic Chest
Special Floors Dungeon maze Conveyor Floor Treasure Room Lost Forest Coliseum Church Fairy Shop
Boss 2 Servant
HP 300 MP 350
Skills Blazemost Blizzard

Note: Servant can join. Give him some treats

HP 2000 MP 200
Skills EvilSlash Boltslash RainSlash

HP 3000 MP 330
DrakSlash BirdBlow Vacuum

The hidden gates

Bazaar Gate
Floor 8
Monsters FairyRat SpotSlime Crestpent Bigroost DragonKid BeanMan Catapila Demonite Hork 1EyeClown
Common Items: herb Beef jerky Gold
Special Floors Treasure room church Fairy shop
Boss MadKnight
HP 300 MP 60
Skills Massacre BeastCut

Well Gate
Floors 11
Monsters Boneslave Almiraj giantSlug FloraMan TreeSlime GiantWorm BullBird MudDoll SabreMan Metaly
Common Items herb Lovewater Porkchop Gold
Special Floors Dungeon Maze Church Item Shop
Boss Gigantes
HP 600 MP 10
Skills EvilSlash ChargeUP ZombieCut

Farm Gate
Floors 11
Monsters: Butterfly FairyDrak MadRaven Sjullroo Mudron DrakSlime Facer
Common Item Lovewater Porkchop Rib Gold
Special Floor Lost Forest Church Item shop
Boss CopyCat
HP 800 MP 48
Skills Transform Robdance Imitate

Left Arena Gate
Floors 15
Monsters WingSlime MeduseaEye MadCandle Slabbit WindBeast Gasgon
Common Item Lovewater Porkchop Rib Gold
Special Floors Conveyor Floor Church Fairy shop
Boss Digster
HP 1000 MP 85
Skills StrongD Suckall

Medal Gate
Floor 18
Monsters NiteWhip Gismo BoxSlime Orc RougeNite Reaper
Common Item Lovewater Porkchop Rib Gold Mimic Chest
Special Floors Church Fairy Shop Coliseum
Boss Note: There are three doors each contain a boss. You just have to fight one monster. Each Monster can join if you give them some treats

HP 2000 MP 75
Skills Barrier HealMore Revive

HP 23 MP 17
Skills Napattack Ahhh LushLicks

HP 45 MP 17
Skills NapAttack SleepAir MouthShut

Library Gate
Floors 24
Monsters AmberWeed Curselamp ArmyCrab ArcDemon MapSpirit WildApe Tortragon LandOwl
Common Item lovewater Rib Gold Mimic Chest
Special Floors Church Fairy Shop Coliseum
Boss Orochi
HP 2000 MP 110
Skills FireSlash QuadHits Scorching

Next Version
Info on items
Arena Battles
skills of each monster
Skill list

Pocketgames magazine and Big trunk website gave me info on the gates.
LCOTA website it gave me a lot of info to make this FAQ his website is



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