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Welcome To Assorted Stuff By Giga!

Date: November 18, 2001
What's... Going on. Having strange... flashbacks to a time when I... ran a website full of... comedy. Oh yeah, I did do that one time!

Welcome, everyone to the Grand RE-RE-Opening of my site, Assorted Stuff By Giga! Yes, that's right, I'm opening the damn thing again. Like the mighty phoenix that rises from the ashes to begin life anew, that is my website! Well, technically, my website is probably more like the mighty cockroach, that somehow manages to survive every last thing you do to it, even squishing its head, that is my website! I am the annoying cockroach of comedy web sites.

Anyway, you can all thank(blame) Koji for this time around. He pestered me until I couldn't take it anymore. I'm opening just to get him off my back.

Poor boy... He seems to think I could be a sucess at this "Internet" thing. Fooey. I've tried twice now, and failed miserably both times. But, maybe third times the charm, who knows.

Giga's Web Journal
Giga's Disoriented Life... A Bio Rocketto Dan! (It's a group thing...)
Links... Duh...

Send all mail to me, Giga, at No, it's not a link. Copy and paste it into your own email system, lazy!