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       Aeccestane is a place for providing information on the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd Edition rules and guidelines. Almost all of the information presented here has been copyrighted to TSR and their respective owners. This page, in no form is trying to claim the information as its own.

  • Strongholds - Is a place with information on Strongholds, how they are built, who normally builds them, and the staff within, ect..

  • The Weapon Shop - filled with information on the different types of weapons and armor from the Arms and Equipment Guide to the different books on races.

  • Tournaments - has information on tournaments down to the prizes and other social events that happen during them besides the common jousting..

        If you have any Questions, Comments, or Suggestions send an email. Would you like any other additional information on topics not currently listed here? Just send what you would like to see in an email..


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Dungeons & Dragons by razrrr
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Dark Corner of the Inn by widlguy
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The Black Dragon Ring
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The most current Update was on April 18, 2001.

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