//fixed to work with new security measures by //hotaru_01 http://www.xanga.com/hotaru_01 // customize by changing the values below // these are the various colors, in quotes, seperated by commas var blinkColors = new Array("#cccccc","#ffffff","#000000"); // the border color var blinkBorderColor = "#000000" // the border width, in pixels var blinkBorderWidth = 1; // the # of rows var blinkRows = 3; // the # of columns var blinkCols = 1; // the width of the entire box, in pixels or % var blinkWidth = 500; // the height of each row, in pixels var blinkRowHeight = 4.5; // speed of blinking, in milliseconds var blinkRate = 2; // do not edit below this line st=setTimeout; document.write(""); for (r = 0; r < blinkRows; r++){ document.write(""); for (c = 0; c < blinkCols; c++){ document.write(""); } document.write(""); } document.write(""); // ... and this makes it blink function blinkIt() { changecell = Math.floor(Math.random() * (blinkCols * blinkRows)); changecolor = Math.floor(Math.random() * blinkColors.length); bb = document.getElementById("blinkbox"); bbtd = bb.getElementsByTagName("td"); bbtd[changecell].style.backgroundColor = blinkColors[changecolor]; st('blinkIt()', blinkRate); } blinkIt(); //-->
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