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The best page ever. Ever. By me. Bitch.

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Thats right. You may be asking me, "what the hell is selective retarded-ness?" The answer is, you. Mostly because that isnt a word. But it is the truth, I am a selectively retarded person. It means that about certain things, I am retarded, I would tell you more, but I think that it is one of the things that makes me retarded. If i say it or type it then i am right and if you dont like it then you suck. You can write me hate mail at but if its really really bad I might post it on the website so start getting angry! This site is about my life and some funny crap I write, so read all the crap and then send me an email. Or 100, but dont make them all the same. DO NOT EMAIL ME AT THE LINK BELOW. IT DOESNT WORK. DREWGUY007@MSN.COM IS THE REAL ONE ASS. bitch.
