:::::... *Rockin With Lucky* ...:::::

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The Boogieman
by J.R. Donovan

I lay in my bed at night
My face covered with sweat
I look around my room
Everything's all set

The Boogieman's in my closet
And there's nothing I can do
The Boogieman's in my closet
And my Bed's smeared with glue

I try to yell, to cry aloud
But I am silenced by fear
as a shadow comes quickly around
And draws forever near

He tip-toes accross my room
I can feel his breath
as I approach my doom
I have visions of death

I see his shiny eyes
Oh how they reflect and glow
Like stars in the skies
They are as white as snow

As evil as they may seem
Of human gore imbued
His sharp teeth are deemed
To tear rather than to chew

I see him wickedly smile
And peer down over me
He opens his mouth a mile
A mile enough to engulf me

I await my wraith
But it does not come
I close my eyes for death
my body is all numb

I open my eyes to see
His mouth a mile long
Instead he was laughing hysterically
The room was engulfed in laughters song

To the closet he walked alone
As the morning sun began to shine
"See ya tomorrow night." he said in a mocking tone
And the door he closed behind.

all original images are copyright
to the original owners. images enhanced
by Luckylady38 Productions are not to be copied.
music is for enhancement and entertainment
purposes only. No profits or gains made by
this site. this site is solely funded
and maintained by luckylady38 of:
Luckylady38 Productions.

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All rights reserved

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