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Our little monster is
Cole is an Elmo-holic and well into the "terrible twos!" He's so animated and loveable that it's hard not to smile. Joe calls him crazy because Cole plays rough and is always flinging himself against us & laughing. We're constantly amused with his growing vocabulary, cat-like curiosity and spitfire energy. He's just darn cute with his spiked hair, chipmunk cheeks and proud protruding belly. Our two-some tot loves the spotlight!

We had a dual birthday party with a playgroup buddy, Lilly, who also turned 2 and is an Elmo lover! The kids had fun at Happy Kids, a huge German indoor play area, where they climbed, slid, shot balls, raced around on a mini track, played with lots of toys, and jumped on bouncy space stations & trampolines! So much fun that we had a hard time catching Chance who wanted to keep playing rather than sing "Happy Birthday" to Lilly & Cole.

Cole and his Elmos (Thanks to Aunt Wendi)

We even had a small family celebration to mark Cole's toddlerhood status. Here's to a happy two-some year!

A few favorite pics...

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Created on November 6, 2007 for family fun!

All photos are © Copyright 2007 to Stephanie Ratliff