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New Music!

Boy oh boy...Have I been slacking off on my website or what?! Yes, I have. Lots has been happening in this life of mine, and I'm going to use this opportunity to fill you in on all of it!

Today I got all dressed up classy-like (read: suit) and went up to Parliament Hill for an interview to become a student intern with Member of Parliament Wayne Marston. Once I got through the airport-style security (which I always loathe), I was welcomed into his office by his two staffers. They were exceedingly friendly, not to mention very accomodating of my schedule. After a 20-minute chat, we agreed that I'll be there on Monday and Friday afternoons, or about 10 hours a week. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the Canadian political machine works between elections, especially in this minority government situation.

The thing that's even more amazing about this is the party that Mr. Marston belongs to...the New Democratic Party! For those of you who know me well, you'll know that I'm most certainly not a NDPer. Just to get all the cards out on the table, not to mention to keep a clean conscience, I decided to inform them of my actual political leaning. Much to my surprise, they took it well and were still willing to welcome me on board! Who knows? Being there might just convert me!

In other news, this past weekend was all about early mornings and cadet activities. On Saturday, I hopped on a city bus at 5.55am (love ya OC Transpo!) to head to the squadron's gliding day. Three buses and a 20-minute walk in the rain later, I made it and hopped on a school bus headed for Smiths Falls. Once there, we found out the day was cancelled due to the rain, at which point we opted to console the disappointed cadets with a visit to the Hershey Chocolate Factory! The day was salvaged and we all got high on sugar and chocolate, just in time for the skies to clear up at around 11.30.

Sunday was the squadron's annual walkathon from downtown to the Aviation Museum eight kilometres away. Just as we were setting out on our voyage along the Ottawa River bright and early on the blustery morning, a local TV station (A-Channel) set up a camera alongside the walking route. The squadron and the cadets were famous! Upon arrival at the museum, we all had some delicious hot dogs and pop...the perfect reward for a long walk!

Now playing is an intriguing and very danceable song from the California pop group Stefy. Their breakthrough hit "Chelsea" is dripping with attitude, and in the music video, the lead singer savagely attacks her boyfriend's mistress. One thing is abundantly clear...don't mess with Stefy! Enjoy the song!


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can you fly?

DUDE! Find a
better hobby!

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your step!


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Last Updated: October 16, 2006 at 8.30pm

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