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This is like, my sanctuary online. It's basicly a site dedicated to Billie Joe Armstrong and Green Day, becasue I LOVE THEM SO FUCKING MUCH!!!! They have rocked my world in sooooo many fucking ways!! Anywho, I have a lot of biographies, interviews, quotes, and TONS of pictures, so feel free to look around!!! And sign the guest book too! This is a website for all of your Green Day needs. If you think they suck, LEAVE NOW YOU SICK FUCK!


TOMMY ~*~ My BESTEST friend in the entire world! I tell him everything! He's the best! And he's also got the most sick and perverted mind ever!

NOLAN ~*~ He is the most AWESOME person in the entire world!
RICKY ~*~ He's the MOST HILARIOUS friend! He makes everyone laugh. He can also kick ass! He's like SO STRONG. HE ROCKS!
HAYLEY ~*~ She's like my sister! We do almsot everything together! (With Tommy, of course)
NICOLE ~*~ We do everything together! We have so many memories it's hard to keep up with. She's my foofily bear! And if I was lesbian with any of my friends, it'd be with her! (DO NOT ASK)
ADELE ~*~ She is the most twisted, craziest perosn. She does everything. There is nothing she's afriad of! SHE RULES
**First off, they won SEVEN VMA'S!!!! WOOHOO! **Secondly, Billie Joe Armstrong is appearing in a movie, doing the voice of Charlie Manson in the movie "Live Freaky, Die Freaky." Obviously, it's based on Charlie Manson. It's also a stop-motion movie, and will be opening sometime in JANUARY! **Thirdly, I have heard of a few DVD's... The first is called, "Bullit in a Bible," and I believe it has a few concerts on it as well as documentaries. It goes into theatres January 27-28, and will be on DVD the 31st. **Fourthly, they have made the new short film/ music video for "Jesus of Suburbia." It's fourteen minutes long. "It's the next big thriller," says Billie Joe jokingly. I'll get back to you on when and where you can see it. **Fifthly, for more information on other DVD's, current prohjects, and this shit above, go to
Billie Joe Armstrong and Mike Dirnt are the actual founders of the band Sweet Children, which we know today as Green Day. When they were ten years old (1982), the duo met in the cafeteria of John Sweet High School in Crockett, California. During sleepovers at each other's houses, they played songs by old heavy metal warhorses such as Ozzy Osbourne, Def Leppard, and Van Halen. Other influences would be the "thrash and drang" of the Bay Area's alternative music culture percolating throughout the eighties. Clubs such as Mabuhay Gardens and Berkeley's 924 Gilman Street regularly showcased local groups like the Dead Kennedys and Buck Naked. Billie Joe was 14 when he wrote his first song, "Why Do You Want Him?", a song about his mother and stepfather. In 1987, Billie Joe and Mike recruited drummer John Kriftmeyer (aka Al Sobrante) and formed the band Sweet Children. They played their first official gig at Rod's Hickory Pit in Vallejo, CA. Soon, they started playing at clubs on the infamous Gilman Street in Berkeley, CA. As Green Day, they recorded their first EP, 1,000 Hours, in two days when they were 17 and seniors in high school. Soon, Mike graduated, however Billie Joe dropped out one day prior to his 18th birthday. They followed up the 1,000 Hours EP with numberous pressings of the "Sweet Children" EP, and also the "Slappy" EP. Their official debut album came in 1990, a combination of all the previous EP, and named "1039 Smoothed Out Slappy Hours". The album was released by local indie label Lookout! Records. Soon after, John Kriftmeyer decided to leave the band to presue college, so Billie and Mike recruited Gilman Street vetran, Tre Cool. Tre had been playing in the band, The Lookouts!, since he was 12. Members of The Lookouts include Lawrence Livermore, the owner of Lookout! Records. In 1991, Tre debuted on Green Day's second album, "Kerpunk!". Green Day built its following the old-fashioned way -- they earned it. Before they even hooked up with a major label, the band had already completed five national tours, driving their renovated bookmobile (with Tre's father at the wheel) coast to coast and crashing on friends' and fan's floors. After capturing the attention of producer Rob Cavallo of Reprise Records. Faced with a hard choice, the guys decided to sign onto a major label in April 1993, and soon started recorded the album that would through them into stardom, 1994's "Dookie". Pandemonium struck when their Reprise debut, "Dookie", was released and Green Day introduced an ever-expanding audience to the energy and insanity of punk rock. With the 14 loud'n'fast tunes of "Dookie" clocking in at only 39 minutes, 1993 suddenly sounded more like 1977. Soon, Green Day's songs about picking scabs, pyromania and masturbation had become unofficial national anthems. Green Day was singing about its own distinct form of malcontent, but it seemed there was a world of followers who felt their pain and wanted to laugh --and mosh -- along with it. Immaturity was cool again. "Dookie" went on to sell more than 10 million copies in the U.S. alone, and Green Day won a Grammy in 1994 for "Best Alternative Music Performance." Of course, this led some of the gang back on Gilman Street to cry "sell-out" and "mainstream," but one listen to Green Day and you'd know this wasn't some watered- down white-bread punk designed to impress your parents. On their next few albums, "Insomniac" and "Nimrod", Green Day has managed to stay true to the punk attitude while proving they're not just one-trick ponies or even three-chord monkeys. On Nimrod, note the surf-style instrumental, "Last Ride," and the string section of "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)", which was featured prominently on an episode of ER and the final installment of Seinfield. By this time, the members were starting families, and it was becoming apparent that they were maturing as individuals and as a band. They wanted to take some time off to be with their families and enjoy life. So after the success of "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)", Green Day took a two year break. In 2000, Green Day hit the music scene once again with their album "Warning". The album is a different sound for the band, a more mellow punk if you will. Unfortunatly, the album wasn't very well accepted by critics and fans alike. The biggest hit from the album was the song "Minority". So after another four years with a few tours and a couple of compliation albums (International Superhits! in 2001 and Shenanigans in 2002), but no new material from Green Day, fans were hit with the September 2004 released of "American Idiot", an album which lashes out against the American government and the media. "American Idiot" was the first Green Day ever to debut at #1 on the Billboard Charts, and other music charts around the world. The album's title track, was an instant success. The follow up single, "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" experienced a must greater success. "American Idiot" was nominated for seven Grammy awards, and took home one, "Best Rock Album". The release and success of this album proved that Green Day are indeed the biggest rock band in the world.
RaNdOm FaCtS aBoUt GrEeN DaY,
1 ~*~ Billie Joe's cat, Zero, died in his washing machine. 2 ~*~ Billie where's Jocky Underwear!! 3 ~*~ Billie's hieght is Five feet and seven inches 4 ~*~ Billie Joe's nickname in high school was "Two Dollar Bill" because he sold joints for two dollars. 5 ~*~ For the video for Jaded, because the lyrics are about being stoned and how you feel when you're stoned. Billie decided to get high while shooting the video just to get the feel for the song. 6 ~*~ Billie Joe hates Slipknot. He said that the masks "Are so fucking retarded", and one time, a fan threw some screwed up mask on the stage, and when Billie Joe picked it up he looked in disgust and said, "Were not fucking slipknot, you asshole!" 7 ~*~ Billie was born in Rodeo California 8 ~*~ Billie's birth day is on National Cabbage Day 9 ~*~ Billie occasionally wears nail polish. 10 ~*~ The first time Billie Joe kissed Adrienne he went home and wrote 2,000 Light Years Away. 11 ~*~ Mike smoked his first joint with his mom's friend 12 ~*~ Tre only has one testicle. He lost the other one in a tragic unicycle accident. He was riding it on a stage at a high school near his home town when suddenly he fell off the stage and landed on the unicycle. His testicle went inside his body, and the doctor examining him took one look and said "hmm... translucent scrotum..." 13 ~*~ Tre is the godfather of Billie Joe's kids. 14 ~*~ When Green Day recorded "Dry Ice", they kept messing up and ended up doing about 18 takes on the song until they finally got it down. So at the end of the song you can hear them all shouting "YES! YES! YES!", becasue they were so happy they got it done.
My favorite quotes from BILLIE JOE (there are a lot more quotes in articles)
"I sound like an Englishman impersonating an American impersonating an Englishman." "Well, you know, I look at myself in the morning and yes, yeah I-I am a God." "A guy walks up to me and asks 'What's Punk?'. So I kick over a garbage can and say 'That's punk!'. So he kicks over the garbage can and says 'That's Punk?', and I say 'No that's trendy!' "Yeah fuck me! I wish all of you could fuck me!" "Aw, how the fuck are you all doin' tonight?... That's what I fuckin' wanted to hear, goddamnit!" "It's fun until someone gets hurt...then it's hilarious." "A lot of people, when they talk to me, I can't wait for them to shut up. Like, shut up. You're a moron. I have nothing to say, you know?" "Aw shit! God damn! Aw shit! Ah fuck! Ah fuckin shit fuck shit fuck! Stick that up your ass FCC!" "AW SHIT!!! I mean I broke a string."
All About Green Day
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American Idiot
International Superhits
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Okey dokey, well, if you scrolled down here that means you want to learn about me! And that touches me ever so deeply! My name is Sammy, (If you look hard enough you can find my last name on here somewhere) I'm sixteen years old, I'll be turning seventeen on October 27th! (Yay! 8o) I have jet black hair, green eyes, and I'm about five feet four inches!
There's not a lot to say about me... I'm not goth, I just kinda dress like it, I mostly hang around outsie at the tracks with Tommy and Nolan... Obviously I'm obssessed with Green Day, but some of my other favorite bands are Metallica, Nirvana, Black Sabbath, ACDC, White Stripes, and Led Zeppilin. I hate Hilary Duff amd Tim Allen with a passion, as well as Slipknot. THEY ALL SUCK DICK! My favorite curse word is... probably bastard, but I say Holy Fuck A lot... That's about all there is to say about me, I don't want to waste up the whole fucking page just talking about me, it's supposed to be about Green Day. I LOVE YOU ALL!
MKAY PEOPLE! Check out hte articles for biographies and interviews and also tour dates, there are tons of pictures in the results... JUST GO NUTS!