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Last Year, Customs and Border Protection Lost 187 of Their Officers and Agents While They Were Protecting Our Country. . .How Come No One Ever Reports That?                                                                                                                                            Last Year the Border Patrol detained more than 1 million people as they tried to make it across the border illegally. . .                                                                                                                                                        Big Businesses in the U.S. are Profiting From the Cheap Immigrant Labor Ranging From Services to Construction. . .These are NOT Jobs Americans Don't Want To Do. . .These Are Jobs Americans Won't Do For A $1.50 An Hour. . .                                                                                                                                                           Home 

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        This site is to inform you about what our government is really doing about our borders. We will explain how the borders work, who's watching them, and some of the stupid things our government has actually done, and continues to do today regarding our border; including the story of what happened with our borders last summer, that nobody knew about...until NOW.

        The bureaucracy on the border issue is disgusting to say the least. The widely accepted myth that the illegal aliens only do jobs that Americans don’t want to do is a lie. I have personally seen illegal aliens doing sheetrock, bricklaying, and roofing just to name a few of the jobs legal American citizens will do and want to do for a living. How do they know some of these people illegally violating our borders aren’t terrorists?                                                                         

        The border patrol is specifically responsible for the nearly 7,000 miles of Mexican and Canadian international land borders and 2,000 miles of coastal waters surrounding the Florida peninsula and the island of Puerto Rico. Our border is divided into 20 sectors north and south. Border patrol now has over 9,500 workers for nearly 9,000 miles of border. Which means each agent must cover barely less than a mile of territory, alone.                                                                                     

         Last summer, the U.S. and Mexico launched the U.S.- Mexico repatriation technical working group interior repatriation program. One article was the Memorandum of Understanding. This plan was to reduce the loss of illegal immigrants who were dying in the Arizona desert, and this sector is Tucson. It started on July 12 and lasted 81 days to September 30th. On September 6th, the program spread to the Yuma sector as well. The program allowed illegal immigrants medical help, flights to Mexico City, and a bus ride from there home, at taxpayers costs. The U.S. spent $15,400,00.00 of taxpayers money and Mexico spent $224,000 for those 81 days. In the Tucson sector, we caught 96,723. Only 14,000 opted for this program. We allowed some who did not opt for this program to voluntarily return.

        Why did we allow the voluntary returns? Because there is no legal consequence for breaking our laws by illegally sneaking across our borders instead of getting an application for a visa. Do you think they went home and came back legally? 42% of the illegal immigrants caught during this program were caught again trying to re-enter illegally. That’s just the number that they caught. Who knows how many got by. All of the illegal immigrants caught claimed to be from Mexico, and we paid almost all of the bill, nice.

        OTM (other than Mexican); our government has a policy which states that anyone who’s caught crossing our borders illegally, and claims not to be Mexican gets a ticket to appear in court in 30 days and is free to roam around the country. Last year alone over 100,000 claimed to be OTM when caught and only 13% showed up for court. 87% are roaming our country as you read.                                                                                          

        If we can get our fellow Americans to wake up to what’s going on with our borders, maybe the politicians will do something! Neither party is willing to stop this because of the fear of losing the almighty vote from American-Hispanic supporters. Mexico doesn’t seem to care about their people or they would help to stop this flood of their own people leaving their country to cross into ours illegally! We don’t know who these people are or what they plan on doing in our country. Who knows how many terrorists have crossed our border or plan to?                                                                                                                                                                  

        Our project is to film cities and people who have been hurt by the crossings of illegal immigrants. We will also expose the chaos all along the border and show you, the American People, how easy it is to get across our border. Then we plan to talk to some influential figures in our country and get their honest opinions on how to fix the insecurities of our border. Next, to D.C., to get some prominent politicians to talk about the border before they act tough during re-election.

        We're hoping on 3 weeks to get the interviews and raw footage, and possible a month to edit. We still don’t have all the funding we need yet, so we're asking for your, the American public's, help with just a pledge for now. If and when we get enough funding, then we will ask for your donation. We will have a page dedicated to pledgers, helping secure our borders and bring permanent reform to our young country's border policies. Everyone who pledges will have the opportunity to have their name included on that page to show our appreciation, as well as mentioned as a Special Thanks in the documentary. We will need some contact information from anybody who is willing to help and we can use some volunteers to help with the project. Thoughts or ideas will also be helpful. Thank very much for your time.