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Contact: LeaDeR-.

08.29.05 eyRa
     Important: All members please read the GameBattles CS Ladder Rules ASAP before we start matchmaking on their ladder. I will ask each of you starting friday if you have read them yet, and if you haven't I will expect a good explanation. I know all of you are as ready as HO rrific OH and I to start kicking some ass, so please don't keep us from it. Also, if you will notice I have most of the names registered on our GBattles clan page. If I missed anyone, and I know I have, please inform me ASAP as it takes 24 hours for you to be able to participate in matches. If however you are registered by me, but you want to make a real profile and account please E-Mail it to me yesterday, or tell me on Live. Members will also be expected to show up for more practices. IF you are spammed with invites from fellow clan mates, it is in your best interest to come to the game and see if we are practicing. Inactive members will be dealt with. This is a no bullshit clan. We don't mind you just being friends with us, but it is very frustrating to try and get a practice together for the clan and have 2-3 people show up when there are 5 on. If you guys aren't going to be active on this site, which is where all the important information is distributed, I will stop paying for this motherfucker out of pocket every month. If you don't want to be active in the clan, maybe you should let us know so we can find someone to rely on. We have goals, we want people who feel the same way.

08.19.05 eyRa
     Halo 2 and BHD Divisions are CLOSED. We will re-open them upon designation of a leader and/or when the games are ripe enough for us. BHD isn't looking too promising. The game itself is terrible. I guess we'll just have to ride it out on CS till Battlefield comes out. Anyone can build a clan in Halo 2, but do we really want to? If you feel like we should let me know your opinions. ideas, ect... at the e-mail address posted at the top of the page! Also, the rumors are NOT true! There will not be- or it hasn't been announced yet despite the rumors- a Counter-Strike 2 being released with the 360. I may have to pull my $50 off reserve. These are the launch titles WE as a clan can look forward to. If I missed one please inform me:
Square Enix: FFXI - An online Role Playing Game with Guild Support.
Ubisoft: Ghost Recon 3 - FPS/TPS and .. duh.
Vivendi: Untitled - Not so sure I want to know what this is. Maybe the fabled- and probably super-hyped to exceed the awesomeness of the game- StarCraft: Ghost for 360? Maybe World of Warcraft for 360? Hopefully not 50 Cent for 360... oh please no...
To view the full list on please click here

08.18.05 eyRa
     I recently got a new badass job, which will explain my inactivity this week. My new title is Facilities Manager and Fleet Manager. My new schedule is 8am-6pm (10 hours) Monday -> Thursday, but this week I've worked 60 hours so far. Hopefully I have tomorrow off and will be back on live after I clean the disaster that is my apartment. Note To HOrrificOH: If your back get me an e-mail with your GameBattles account and get this biatch ready to battle. I can accept personal calls at work as long as they aren't too time consuming so drop me an e-mail @ with your account and I will make you leader so you can add everyone you need to.

08.11.05 eyRa
     We are now registered on, so please sign up and let's fuck everyone up on the way to the top. Also, there is a tournament in progress right now, but I'm sure that there will be another pending it's completion. The requirement is only that we win 5 games. Make it snappy and e-mail me your account name to the e-mail address up top.

08.09.05 eyRa
     Yet another m0nkey to add today, please welcome BanginBurban07 to the Army. Also, we're about to start training for our match maps. Probably starting with Vostok, Prodigy and Inferno. Good luck and good gaming to all. Be on in a bit.

08.07.05 eyRa
     Congratulations to DilinASock and Sn4ckyCr4ck5, our newest m0nkeys for Counter-Strike! A few more to add soon enough. HO rrific OH is definately doing his job. Also you'll notice a new link under the games played. It's SkyDive Spaceland, where I first jumped out of an airplane. Everyone should skydive, it is the most exhilirating experience ever. I'll have to show you guys some free fall pics one day. Fucking a awesome.

08.02.05 eyRa
     Every page is up and running so feel free to take a look around. Also, I would like to announce that this is a tagless clan to those of you that don't already know- meaning that you do not need to make a new gamertag to join, I never saw the point in things like that. However, some of you may want to do this anyway. The format for tagged members will be as follows: x12x Name.
For example: x12x eyRa.
     Also, when making a account, please use the same EXACT name as you use on XBOX Live. If there is a problem with this, please state in your profile that your gamertag differs slightly.

08.02.05 eyRa
     I would like to welcome the new leaders for our divisions. CRONSMOKE will be leading our Black Hawk Down/Soon to be Battlefield Division, TOAK MASTER will be the frontman for our Halo 2 Division, and last but not least HO rrific OH will be heading the Counter-Strike division in anticipation for CS2 on 360. Anyone wishing to join the clan under a specific division please contact the representitive for your game.
     Also, the forums are up for those of you who dwell in those kind of places, and all new members please send me a friend request on to join the club. It will be used as our member list page. [Note to Leaders: If a member doesn't have a computer, please make them an account on and add them to the club. ] To access the club please click the Members Link, or to write it down for someone it is