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rocker princess's day
Tuesday, 4 November 2003

today was like so fucked up... i swear wherever i went to get a drink, the water fountain's fucking broken...
its so SCREWED =@. anyway.. uhhh dont have much to day... but thats ok i guess. my finger smells like
sausage.. ok that was unnecessary (<--- BIG WORD). ahhh wtf, bye.

Posted by rock3/xxpunkrockprincessxx at 6:56 PM JST
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Monday, 3 November 2003

ahhhh today was ok.. got bored though. Ate alot =p. hehehehe... anyway, uhm.. yeah.
who's joining field hockey??? i aaaaaaaaaam hehehehhe.. im not that hyper actually, i might
sound that way but i really am not.
so tired.. my fingers like forgot the keypads.. i've been making a lot of typos while writing or
typing this thing...oh there i go again.. there again and again.. yeah you dont see it
cuz i erased it. gosh lifes so freakin frustrating that its getting kinda pathetic.

whatever, typing this is getting pathetic.

Posted by rock3/xxpunkrockprincessxx at 4:16 PM JST
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Sunday, 2 November 2003

i went to odaiba.. to that science museum thing..
it was ok.. but not the best. my ass hurts..
for sitting in the car too long, nothing else.
yeah so dont think wrong. damn im sleepy..hella.
ok dont know what to write about so im just gonna
write stuuff..stuuff..stuuff ok that was corny.
cant wait til january.. evanescence hehe.
its at zepp tokyo.. and dont even try asking me to
get tickets, im tired of getting people tickets.
...well maybe. ahhh shit im tired.

Posted by rock3/xxpunkrockprincessxx at 7:18 PM JST
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Saturday, 1 November 2003
wow havent posted in a long time. homework's been building up (what an excuse...). andywandy, im uhm bored. its like 11pm... juz sharing. ahhhhh im sleepy. the uhm watchamacallit the soccer season was pretty cool.. well it was ok. i mean we won? so yeah.. cant wait til field hockey. wait i take that back. and then its baseketbowl... lol (8) they're playin baaaaasekeeeeeetbooooooooooowl lol hahahhaha thats such a coooool song. yeah ok whatever. oh oh and in the flea market i barely earned anything. but thats ok.. my mom gave me my allowance har har har. well as you see i dont have anything better to say than all this bullshit so ttyL!

Posted by rock3/xxpunkrockprincessxx at 10:54 PM JST
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Saturday, 25 October 2003

never want to fly, never wanna leaaaaaave (never wanna saaaaay what you mean to meeeeee)... no wait i take that back... god i miss the philippines so much =(. im so looooooonely... =(. i dont like japan.. its too japanish. anyway. linkin park was coooooool.. hehe. i just got tickets to evanescence today =). its in january 24th.. i think. yup it is =D. cant wait cant wait cant waiiiiiiiiiiiiit hehehhehe. i havent posted on this thing since like forever.. but thats ok. anyway, i dont have much to say, and im sure you guys dont wanna hear my problems. see ya guys!

Posted by rock3/xxpunkrockprincessxx at 9:37 PM JST
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Saturday, 18 October 2003
im so
sorry it was just so tempting....
ngar stupid bastards...
ok bye.

Posted by rock3/xxpunkrockprincessxx at 2:33 PM KDT
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Sunday, 12 October 2003

i didnt do much today..
i went to shinyuri..
to get some stuff.
i got me two rings =p.
my toes are like freezing i swear..
they're like FREEZING.
lol wtf.
i already have my stocking for X'mas out.
aint that tyt..
it's POOH BEAR!!!
lol jk,
i love you pooh bear,
you know i do.

wtf was that...

Posted by rock3/xxpunkrockprincessxx at 6:57 PM KDT
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Saturday, 11 October 2003
today was cool..
i went to a Lillix Secret Live with Ophey.
They're pretty good actually.
They can sing.
They can play.
It was pretty cool.
Nothing depressing or anything,
except the fact that Mitsuya Cider cost 300 there.
That was kinda sad wasnt it..
Its like double+ the price of the ones in those vending machines.
about lillix,
since everyone got in for free,
they only played like 6 songs.
but it was still cool.
they also showed the video diary,
the video of Tomorrow,
and the video of Freaky Friday.
It was cool,
except Freaky Friday seems like a prissy show.
No offense to anyone who likes it though.
The drummer's (Kim) real cool,
her hair is atleast.
She's pretty good too.
Oh and Tacha's good..
except the guitar parts look kinda easy.
Keyboard girl was ok (I think her name was Casey or something.. forgot.)
and the bass girl was also ok too.
Her name's Louise,
I remember that.
Well its the first concert I've been to
in a while..
last one i went to was a Ray Charles one.
Before that I went to the Gipsy King,
and the Richard Marx one.
They're pretty good.
Except that was when I was 7 or something.
Then next next week im off to linkin park.
..........yeah, linkin park.
while people get bored at the dance,
i jump up and down.
..........uhh huh.
see ya guys.
it was a pretty long post.
check out my memory shack.
I'LL BE BACK <------Governer Schwarjckldjafkldas;jfnegger.

Posted by rock3/xxpunkrockprincessxx at 10:31 PM KDT
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Friday, 10 October 2003

i haven't written in a long time..
but oh well.
nothing new.
i think.
gayelord's a duuuumbaaaaass
gayelord's a duuuumbaaaaass
gayelord's a duuuumbaaaaass
gayelord's a duuuumbaaaaass
gayelord's a duuuumbaaaaass
gayelord's a duuuumbaaaaass
gayelord's a duuuumbaaaaass
gayelord's a duuuumbaaaaass
gayelord's a duuuumbaaaaass
LOL hahahahhaha its true anyway.
he's not an asshole,
he's a dumbass.
wait never mind, he's both.

Posted by rock3/xxpunkrockprincessxx at 7:16 PM KDT
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Saturday, 4 October 2003

(8) today's the macy's daaaay paraaaaade, the niiiight of the living dead is oooon its waaaaaay, with the red light spppecial at the masuuuleeeeummmm *srum strum strum*... :D

Posted by rock3/xxpunkrockprincessxx at 11:25 PM KDT
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