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Paris n Nicole
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I'm Famous.... You just don't know it yet!
Mon, Jan 3 2005
Takin Quizzes.....
Mood:  quizzical
Now Playing: Ass Like That- Eminem
Bid-doing-doing-doing Quiz results....
You are Bettie Page!
You're Bettie Page!

What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

The Road Less Traveled

size="2">You take the Road Less
wants to go where everyone else has already gone
anyway? You look for the hidden
paths, ones most don't see and don't care to
venture down. You go boldly and
stand proud discontent with what's been put in
front of you, determined to find
a way perfect for you even no one else will take it
with you. You live as you
want and not for others, but be careful not become
selfish. Others may need you
and you should be there for them, especially the
ones close to you. You tend to
be the leader in most situations and people listen
and trust you not lead them
astray. Your firm in your opinions and beliefs and
unwilling to change yourself
to suit other people. By the same token, you can be
stubborn to a fault, change
isn't always a bad thing you know. Everyone changes
and grows, you shouldn't try
to stay exactly the same or you could be left
behind. Then again, you may change
frequently. Some people change to fit in, you my
little non-conformist, may
change to be set apart. It's great to be different,
but it's also just as great
to have things in common with people, even if those
people are in that "crowd"
you seem to have a vendetta against. Don't try to
be different, just be who you
are, whoever that is and you'll be unique all on
your own. So make some time for
people, let yourself blend into the crowd every
once in awhile, you may just
learn something about them and yourself you never
knew before.

What Path Do You Take In Life? [X]For Guys and Gals! Pics and Lengthy Results.[X]
brought to you by Quizilla

Blogged by: Krazy at 11:18 PM EST
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Thu, Dec 23 2004
Kati n Kayla's fun times
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: "the rooof the roooof the roooof is on FIRE"
Topic: Paris n Nicole
Last week I was nice and manic... now i am nothing but a depressed bitch. I don't even want to get up in the morning. Okay so instead of bitching and griping about my feelings, I will tell you about my time with Kati. Saturday Kati called and said that her n Andrew were going to hang out and she wanted me to go. So I said have him come get me. So he did and we went to get her. Andrew had his friend Brandon with him, and brandon is pretty hot lol. So yeah we go back to Shane's and it's just us four and were all just goofin off ya know. The Shane get's there, and 1st thing he does is like try n get me to sit on his lap. Like he is proclaiming I am his... AS IF! Well we went to the casino, and then came back and Shane like tried to get down my pant's AGAIN and Im like AHHH you know. Anyway's im all pissed and i go n sit in the car with Andrew Brandon and Mandy (i think thats her name) while they smoke and when i go back in Kati is in Shane's room alone with him. I know from expirience, that that is a BAD IDEA... so I was liek we have to go. Anyways all they did was talk and he said he liked me but i was a bitch and a tease and he was mad that i didnt let him do stuff to me... which is bullshit why would i he is an asshole, and i wouldnt anyone else either. THEN after bitching at me he hit on Kati and she wasn't having that. So yeah it was a weird nite. Then Sunday me kelsey n kati went to Alma to see Limony Snicketts. Then we talked to Andrew and went home. Well mostly the whole like outcome of my story is me n kati had an alright time, and she now has a new boyfriend who is such a sweetheart. Also me and Kati decided we were gonna become sex-ed teachers. Yeah and when she Grads. were gonna go to the same college. It should be a good time! lol I love that girl so much, and if anyone fucks with her or hurt's her... their asses are grass... oh yeah we rented the movie the anarchist cookbook... hot guys but yeah we decided we need more friends... so thats our quest to find some cool fun friends and be anarchists! lol

Blogged by: Krazy at 5:29 PM EST
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Sun, Nov 28 2004
The Holiday Weekend
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: (Dance Music)
Topic: feelings
Okay so Thanksgiving.... SUCKED!!!!
I was having a very low day, trying to get happy since my birthday was the next day. It was hard to do because family just dperesses me. My cousin had just told me I was losing weight when suddenly i hear my little sister screaming at my other cousin brit. Saying something like "don't you ever call my sister thunderthighs again" and i turn around and said... did you fuckin call me thunder thighs and brit was like yeah and i was like... oh fuck you i ain't ever talking to you again. and i walked to the door and told my dad i was leaving and it was all just chaos. I bawled in my car, and i finally went back in. Needless to say i have at least 3 people amd at me, for no reason, my sister went NUTS and almost beat the shit outta brit(AGAIN) lol and i had nothing for Thanksgiving!
MY birthday on the other hand was so fun. We were supposed to go to Shabooms but we ended up at the White Wagon, it was fun. Dancing, even though im not so good anymore... was soo fun. Like half the time, hot guys circled me... I was just sooo Psyched! lol oh and i had gotten my hair straightened. That didn't last cause some guy spilt beer on my head. But it looked nice while it lasted. We also went to the casino... I DIDN'T GET CARDED!!! That was pretty cool... so all in all my bday rocked, and im psyched to be 18!!

Blogged by: Krazy at 12:01 AM EST
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Wed, Nov 24 2004
Don't know why
Mood:  down
Now Playing: The Used- Poetic Tragedy
Topic: feelings
I am still depressed, of course I am. I think maybe tomorrow im gonna start a high though, and thank GOD in time for my birthday. Oh i should explain. Bi Polar is like hmmm a Wave. HIGHS and LOWS, and there is never an inbetween normal. I am eiter overly annoying happy, or depressed as depressed can be, and it happens within a snap. sometimes like now i know it's coming, but most the time normally, i have no idea. i think this time i am preparing myself cause i wanna be happy on my bday. i dunno its weird. Well anyways my birthday is Friday and tommorrow is thanksgiving so i am going to sleep... goodnigth everyone, sweet dreams!


Blogged by: Krazy at 12:01 AM EST
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Mon, Nov 22 2004
Bi-Polar today... Gone tommorrow
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: The Used- Maybe Memories
Topic: feelings
I say definitely alot, it's ridiculous... I say that a lot too. I wish i had better words, the ones I seem to use frequently are getting old. Okay so for Ridiculous I can use, Bizarre, Ludicrous, or unbelievable. Definitely i can use undeniably or absolutely. Wow why do i think of this stuff? Like just outta the blue i write I say definitely too much... WHO DOES THAT?? Well since this is my very first entry I can tell you about myself. I will be 18 in 4 days and I am impatiently excited. I will finally be able to go to clubs and dance, maybe i can make some friends, maybe i can get a job i like not sitting at a desk "digitizing." Im not an office kindof person.I am friendly, even if I am having a low day, being at a desk that hurts my back makes it much worse. Anyways... Back to about me. I graduated in June of 2004 from a medium sized highschool that I had only went to for my senior year. I am taking A college class (voice improvement) and i dropped the other one, (intro to film.) I couldn't sit in that class for four hours on wednesday nights, 5-9. it was HELL i am serious... I live in Michigan. In a small town where everyone hates me. Well not "EVERYONE" but most people do. I am a singer. I want to have a band, I want to be famous, I want to be a legend. I have the talent, and the stage presence, and the personality. I just don;t have a group of willing musicians to back me up. Maybe one day... I am bipolar. If you don't know what that is, look it up. The best way to describe it is. I have HIGH HIGHS and LOW LOW's But never a healthy medium. I am either HIGH (not on drugs... I don't do drugs) or Depressed. I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, or have sex. I just don't think that wil make me happy. I don;t know what will make me happy. Well one thing seems to, singing, in front of a crowd, alone, I don't care, when i am singing, i feel good. Well I think Enough is said for now, you know the basics, you will learn more about me from each entry.

Blogged by: Krazy at 12:01 AM EST
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Tue, Oct 26 2004
Will I ever be loved?
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: The Used- The Taste Of Ink
Topic: MEN
I want a companion, a friend!
I will be your bonnie if you be my clyde
you can be my sid and i willbe your nancy
someone anyone
if you think i am your soulmate
find me!! I need you now!
I can't handle the loneliness any longer

Blogged by: Krazy at 12:01 AM EDT
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Sun, Oct 24 2004
If you really knew me, you'd know I hate you...
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Sublime
Topic: MEN
Hey everyone, I have taken an oath today... I AM SOO DONE WITH GUYS..... i mean hey im not gonna stop making out with random guys.... but thats all these guys will ever be in my mind... making outers haha... i have SO MANY MORE THINGS TO THINK ABOUT... Fuck Love, Fuck having my own Family one day... Im gonna be a rockstar... thats ALL i goive a damn about

Blogged by: Krazy at 12:01 AM EDT
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Mon, Sep 27 2004
Mike Moore Rocks
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: (anti-war songs)
Topic: anti-bush
I love to protest.... I LOVE liberals... they are hotter... funner, and smarter.... THANK GOD we went shopping today....
on the way i was like go buy the rose arena to see how big the crowd is!
so there was a whole crowd of W supporters and i yelled at them... booo you know... and then Is Saw Andy and he had a ticket so i went and it was AMAZING

---things i yelled----
LESBIAN'S FOR KERRY- im not even a lesbian

Blogged by: Krazy at 12:01 AM EDT
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Tue, Jul 20 2004

Okay so we have a family dog
her name is Lucy... she is a small Boxer. She is like my best friend. No lie... she is so sweet and I love her and I spoil her and she is the greatest dog alive!
So anyways i have another named sid viscious (Sid)... we got him this year . He is 6-ish and he is HUGE... like a big ol boxer... well we love him too of course... just the same as lucy. Well anyways He knocked lucy up
it was SOOO exciting! Well she started havin her pups on sunday
and it was going Okay... we thought she was done. We only had 3 pups and we thought there were more. So we took her in today and we found out she had 3 inside one was dead and now 2 are with us now... it is a mircale!! i am keeping one! I love them so much!

Blogged by: Krazy at 12:01 AM EDT
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Sun, Jul 4 2004
Attack of the ex... AGAIN
Mood:  down
Now Playing: System of a Down-Toxicity (the whole damn CD)
Topic: Ex-boyfriends
Okay so I got an email from Aaron last night. It said he love's me still and he wants to get a divorce and be with me. I don't know what to think. I really fucking love the guy. I know I do. I have never ever ever ever felt that way about anyone. I won't have him hurt me again. So i think For now we are just gonna get to know each other again. I just don't need to get hurt. Funny thing is i been thinking about him all week. Thinking about him wanting me back for some reason. I dunno what to do now. I seriously don't. I know he love's me. He always has. You could always tell. And i also know how hard it is to be away from someone you love and give up because i had wanted to do that to him a million times, but i don't even understand why the goof got married! It just confuses me to death! Seriously. In the end i think i will take him back, but he is going to have to prove himself worthy.

Blogged by: Krazy at 12:01 AM EDT
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Wed, Jun 16 2004
How Could He Say That?
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: (No music could cheer me up)
Just got an email from Aaron... This is what it said:
hey kayla whats up i felt like dropin a line to apologize for being an asshole i know what i did was totally fucked up but its just the way things had to be its hard to explain every thing that led up to what happend but i think its the best this way even though i am married now i still think about you all the time and hope one day we can be friends again but i can toally understand if you hate me now well i better get going bye
WHAT A FUCING MORON! No i don't want to be his friend! I hate what he has done to me! He gave me love, and takes it away and gives it to someone else! How the hell can he do that to me! I wasted 2 and 1/2 years of my stupid HIGHSCHOOL life on that fucking asshole and look what he says! I felt like droppin a line! for being an asshole? WTF! if i was him i would be like... i am a fucking idiot! now i am stuck with some german bitch! I AM SOO SORRY please please take me back i will grovel at your feet and beg and pleed for your friendship... and i would kick him in the face! Fuck him! I am out of here!

Blogged by: Krazy at 12:01 AM EDT
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Mon, Jun 14 2004
Open House
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: CCR- Proud Mary
It is done with... it rocked... I learned something though... I know who my true family is that is all I have to say!

Blogged by: Krazy at 12:01 AM EDT
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Thu, Jun 10 2004
I wish...
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Glassjaw - Ape Dos Mil
Alot of things. Most of all I wish I wasn't so damn confusing! I want to be artistic... i want to be loved... I wan't to be musical... i want to be political... i want i want i want! i am sick of this feeling! It is all confusing! Everything i want to be contrast each other! I wish i would just be a simple person! blah!

Blogged by: Krazy at 12:01 AM EDT
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