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[What It's ALL About...]
Hey hey, welcome to my site! I'm Nykki and I will be your tour guide for your every visit from now till THE END, which is near...Well not really, but I just wanted to see what your reaction would be. Quite frankly, I was surprized at how much you didn't care. Oh well.
Above you will see a line of destinations. Click one. NO! NOT THAT ONE! Okay... but only if you're totally sure, cuz it will change your life forever! Okay, anyways... to get back to here click home, at the very left. Not that you'd ever want to come back...

[IT continues...]
Alrighty, now that you've been an explorer of some dark and scary places, Imma fill you in on what I'll be adding;
-some dpz

[IT ends...]

Well, that's it for today folks. I hope you remembered to keep all limbs INSIDE of the touring vehicle because if not there are no hospitals near by. Have a nice day :)

[p.s. add me at if you wish]

...Random Shoutz...

Ashley (From the sault! Miss yah girl!), Shanzy & Jann(March 11th-12th was the best ever! Except getting molested...lmao! EW! But stayin at the holiday in for the night was the best idea ever Shanzy! Hell yeah!), t-dAwG (i hope my blackness doesnt affect our friendship, lmao), jen (luv yah girl, bff!), suzy (i know who he is.. oh yes i do...dont argue with me cuz i know you are as you're reading this!), kate (ok, we SO hafta hang out over march break!), stevi (we SO hafta do a repeat of last summer! "We'll pay you to make-out!" lmao!), mel (congrats on your 1 year anniversary!) and many more that I'm too tired to mention right now!