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The 12 Bar - RIOT night (July 05)


Great gig- Great Response!!


Wed like to thank John for sorting us out and allowing us to fit one last number in (you know what im talking about)...

Also thanks to all the other bands!!

The 12 Bar - Live8 Fundraiser (July 05)

This gig was great, all bands were fantastic- we really feel like were starting to get somewhere.. Amazing turnout and crowd response- Iron maiden and Ghostbusters go down a treat- hilarious!!

Thanks to Rach for the organisation, Thanks the the guys at the 12 Bar, John, B, Lomax for the help with the sound..


The Mitre (may 05)

Playing with The Gizmo, and The Rhythm Method. excellent turnout, great debut gig by the Gizmo, hope to see um playin again. Many thanks go out to the asylum boys for the gear, the support and the guest vocals (DAS BOOT!!!). and thanks to the method guys for the gig.. it was swell (chris)


Comic relief 05 fundraiser (march 05)

Fantastic gig!!! stone devils, burn machina, god botherer were amazing! pulled a great crowed, raised some money for charity. the mills "dan" had the sound spot on. My bass drums sounded like god punching you in the face!!

special thanks the rach who put it all together. Thanking the other bands for lending us their equipment and taking it easy with my new drumkit.. great gig

Children in need fundraiser (nov 04)

Brilliant gig! godbotherer and asylum were fantastic. 12 bar is brilliant venue and lomax rocks. hopefully have plenty more of these! thanks to everyone who came


adelphi gig (nov 04)

good gig! good support! we headlined and played quite a good set, got to test out some new gear and really enjoyed ourselves. great turnout and response was good!


12 Bar gig (oct 04)

we headlined this gig and were supported by drop in the ocean. steves cable went - mid set, but wasnt too much of a problem. enjoyed it and night was good


golden cross gig (sep 04)

my capri and steves fiesta were the victims of the preston chav population, but apart from that the night was quite good. the turnout wasnt great and the sound wasnt quite right but it was an experiance- thanks to all who came...