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I want...

i want your hot frenchfry in my frostie
i want your bandaid on my owie.
i want my curtain on your rod.
i want my cream on your noodle.
i want your cheeto in my salad dressing.
i want your finger on my doorbell.
i want your cup in my cupholder.
i want your flowers to grow in my garden.
i want your quarters in my slot.
i want your cork in my wine bottle.
i want your straw in my drink.
i want your finger on my button.
i want your lawn mower in my grass
i want my ketchup on your hotdog.
i want my ice cream on your spoon.
i want your pen on my paper.
i want your pencil in my sharpener.
i want your tape in my VCR.
i want your chlorine in my pool.
i want your rain in my storm.
i want your candles on my birthday cake.
i want your aloe vera on my sunburn.
i want your note in my pocket.
i want your screen name in my chatroom.
i want your leaves on my tree.
i want your e-mail in my inbox.
i want your pens in my holder.
i want your fish in my tank.
i want you to swim in my pool.
i want your party in my house.
i want your book in my bookshelf.
i want your CD-rom in my drive.
i want your plug in my outlet.
i want your knob on my door.
i want your key in my keyhole.
i want your oil in my engine.
i want your junk in my trunk.
i want your key in my ignition.
i want your phone in my charger.
i want your bed in my covers.
i want your car in my garage.
i want your toothpaste on my toothbrush.
i want your juice in my tippy cup.
i want your cream in my cookie.
i want your strawberry in my whipped cream.
i want your chocolate chip in my cookie.
i want your URL in my browser.
i want my music to flow out of your horn.
i want your bubbles in my bath.
i want your blue toilet water in my toilet.
i want your hanger in my closet.
i want your chapstick on my lips.
i want your window in my room.
i want your bunny in my top hat.
I want your banana in my fruit bowl.
i want your fruit in my smoothie.
i want your smoothie in my blender.
i want your blender in my kitchen.
i want your kitchen in my apartment.
i want your apartment in my building.
i want your building in my block.
i want your block in my city.
i want your city in my county.
i want your county in my state.
i want your state in my country.
i want your country in my world.
i want your world in my heart...i mean universe.
i want your stop sign on my corner.
i want your socks in my drawer.
i want your stars in my sky.
i want your colors in my rainbow.
i want your jewels in my jewelry box.
i want your prince in my castle.
i want your stamp on my letter.
i want your horn on my unicorn.
i want your echo in my cave.
i want your fingers on my keyboard.
i want your planets in my solar system.
i want your solar system in my universe.
i want your universe in my dimension.
i want your peanut butter in my sandwich.
i want your roller coaster in my recreation center.
i want your pain in my pandora's box.
i want your message in my answering machine.
i want your number on my caller ID.
i want your link in my website.
i want your money in my bank.
i want your massge on my sore spot.
i want your calamine on my poison ivy.
i want your mansicle in my freezer.
i want you to preheat my oven.
i want you number in my phone book.
i want your icecream man in my neighborhood
i want your hotsauce in my taco.
i want your mop in my bucket
i want your stalagmite in my cavern
i want your soccer ball in my goal.
i want your faucet in my sink
i want your counter in my kitchen
i want your tree in my park.
i want your stallion in my stable
i want your filling in my pie.
i want your butter on my popcorn
i want your towel hanger in my towel
i want your pot in my oven
i want your drill to find my oil
i want your cable in my tv
i want my biscuit covered in your honey
i want your plate in my dishwasher
i want your snake in my rainforest
i want your sound in my stereo
i want your mouthpiece in my horn
i want my oil on your valve
i want your waves on my beach
i want your bowling ball down my alley
i want your pillow in my pillow case
i want your lion in my den
i want your snail in my shell
i want your quarter in my jukebox
i want your cock in my henhouse
i want my elevator down your shaft
i want your icon on my desktop
i want your bow to run across my fiddle
i want you to lick my teeth
i want you to make my kitty purrr...
i want my washer under your nut
i want your lightswitch on my wall
i want your clothes in my spin cycle...your DIRRTY clothes
i want your frosting in my cinnamon roll
i want your energizer bunny down my hallway
i want your chopstick in my rice.
i want your frosting on my cinnamon roll.
i want your voice in my choir.
i want your vehicle down my highway
i want your word tiles in my scrabble game
i want your sorry piece in my home
i want you to turn up the volume on my speakers