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Shelley (awesome) Rush's BLOG!! Blog is a cool word. Come, lets think of some words that rhyme with blog...

Sunday, 7 September 2003

oh my god
oh my god nick wont leave me alone. he keeps on going mark doesnt like you i repeat he doesnt like you and it gets so annoying. hello i already know that.

Posted by rock3/volcomstone819 at 12:20 AM EDT
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Friday, 5 September 2003

woops sorry i havnt been writing in this. no one reads it anyways. yeah but i got a bloody nose 2 days ago it was so weird because i was looking in my year book at all the hot guys in 8th grade last year (and there are many 7th graders too...he he..) and then i saw blood drip onto it. it was so weird. have never gotton a bloody nose before...maybe it was a sign that i might get bloody knickers soon?? i dunno but it turns out the next day the period fairy came to visit me! YAY! yeees...much fun....uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh was picture day..the only thing i like about it as that for like 10 minutes i got to see mark...SCORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and better...he waved!! muahahahahahaha..he looked really hot today. i think he took a shower improvements!
oooook i have made my decision..the 3 hottest guys in 8th grade are..
mark slezak
spencer mccarthy
matt ardoin
cody armstrong
..wait....thats 4..o well..


Posted by rock3/volcomstone819 at 7:20 PM EDT
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Monday, 1 September 2003

your blog is so un interesting.
uninteresting isnt 2 word dumbass. i didnt really say that. he might have signed off. poo.

gah. i dunno how i feel. i like him a lot one minute then the next he gets me so annoyed. im confused.

well, my pillow smells now. i dropped it in the pool while i was sewing the patch on it.
but it was quite peaceful out there.

i love when it rains. lightning is so pretty. i love it when during a lightning storm you have to ggo to teh bathroom then the toilete sparks your bum. its so weird. but im weird so we go good together.

Posted by rock3/volcomstone819 at 8:10 PM EDT
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Sunday, 31 August 2003

wow crazy
wow i just cant get enough of teh word "BLOG" i love it. yeah and i noticed i added the convo with polly and the other people twice (my bad) so i deleted it.

Posted by rock3/volcomstone819 at 11:28 PM EDT
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im bored
im bored. im gonna tell you a song in spanish...
"im asustó. pienso que mi vida entera va abajo del dren. mis amigos
piensan tan también pero usted me encontrará algún día el estar
parado todo solamente en el centro del desierto que mira fijamente el
oasis. todo será tan quizá aceptable en la esperanza del extremo i

i dont know the name of it but its a really good song. its not usually in spanish but i just translated it from virgil.

Posted by rock3/volcomstone819 at 9:55 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 31 August 2003 9:57 PM EDT
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lets all think of some things that rhyme with BLOG!!!
You are now in chat room “Chat 6925782200643446640.”
coolpenguins123 (5:18:15 PM): hey shelley
DancinMunky91 (5:18:17 PM): man that was so annoying
scaryface00 (5:18:19 PM): good job allyson
VoLcOm StOnE 285 (5:18:20 PM): hey
DancinMunky91 (5:18:28 PM): yea!
coolpenguins123 (5:18:35 PM): visit her blog pplz!
coolpenguins123 (5:18:38 PM): its cool
VoLcOm StOnE 285 (5:19:07 PM): yeah i know
VoLcOm StOnE 285 (5:19:09 PM): lol
coolpenguins123 (5:19:11 PM): lets think of words that rhyme w/ blog
VoLcOm StOnE 285 (5:19:15 PM): he he
coolpenguins123 (5:19:15 PM): dog
VoLcOm StOnE 285 (5:19:17 PM): smog
VoLcOm StOnE 285 (5:19:19 PM): fog
coolpenguins123 (5:19:19 PM): egg nog
DancinMunky91 (5:19:21 PM): clog
VoLcOm StOnE 285 (5:19:23 PM): wow good one
VoLcOm StOnE 285 (5:19:30 PM): i like that
coolpenguins123 (5:19:32 PM): hog
scaryface00 (5:19:34 PM): fog
scaryface00 (5:19:37 PM): sog
scaryface00 (5:19:38 PM): log
VoLcOm StOnE 285 (5:19:40 PM): sog??
scaryface00 (5:19:41 PM): mog
scaryface00 (5:19:42 PM): nog
VoLcOm StOnE 285 (5:19:42 PM): wtf
scaryface00 (5:19:46 PM): wog
VoLcOm StOnE 285 (5:19:46 PM): mog?
VoLcOm StOnE 285 (5:19:50 PM): your just making them up
scaryface00 (5:19:54 PM): i know
VoLcOm StOnE 285 (5:19:57 PM): lol
scaryface00 (5:19:58 PM): tog
VoLcOm StOnE 285 (5:20:03 PM): uog
DancinMunky91 (5:20:06 PM): jog
VoLcOm StOnE 285 (5:20:08 PM): vog
scaryface00 (5:20:08 PM): afsfsafgog
VoLcOm StOnE 285 (5:20:11 PM): wog
VoLcOm StOnE 285 (5:20:17 PM): hey good one scary face
DancinMunky91 (5:20:21 PM): zog
DancinMunky91 (5:20:25 PM): i like that 1
coolpenguins123 (5:20:31 PM): gog?
VoLcOm StOnE 285 (5:20:32 PM): LOL
coolpenguins123 (5:20:33 PM): lol
DancinMunky91 (5:20:44 PM): :-D
VoLcOm StOnE 285 (5:20:48 PM): lol
VoLcOm StOnE 285 (5:20:55 PM): im putting this convo in my BLOG!
DancinMunky91 (5:21:25 PM): hehe
coolpenguins123 (5:21:41 PM): i like vog
coolpenguins123 (5:21:45 PM): its intresting
coolpenguins123 (5:21:46 PM): lol
DancinMunky91 (5:21:49 PM): ya
VoLcOm StOnE 285 (5:21:50 PM): lol
DancinMunky91 (5:22:03 PM): o i g2g
coolpenguins123 (5:22:06 PM): bye
scaryface00 (5:22:08 PM): bye
VoLcOm StOnE 285 (5:22:08 PM): byeog
coolpenguins123 (5:22:11 PM): lol
DancinMunky91 (5:22:12 PM): ttyl
DancinMunky91 (5:22:13 PM): lol
VoLcOm StOnE 285 (5:22:15 PM): lolog
scaryface00 (5:22:18 PM): how about juliaog?
coolpenguins123 (5:22:23 PM): lol
DancinMunky91 (5:22:23 PM): byeog
coolpenguins123 (5:22:24 PM): cool
VoLcOm StOnE 285 (5:22:24 PM): hey good
scaryface00 (5:22:27 PM): thats nice
DancinMunky91 has left the chat room.
VoLcOm StOnE 285 (5:22:31 PM): i like shelleyog more though
coolpenguins123 (5:22:37 PM): lolog

Posted by rock3/volcomstone819 at 5:19 PM EDT
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oh my family is officially stupid
oh my god..what fags..i was laying on my bed watching i love the 70's (best show next to i love the 80's) and see, i was kinda zoned out because i was just like..laying there..and i started hearing "jeremiah was a bull frog!!! was a good friend to me!!!" and i thought it was the tv so i was like wtf? and they werent talking about that song so i went out of my room and i saw my sister my mum and my dad singing and it burned because none of them can sing worth crap..but family is screwed. but that song is pretty cool now my moms mad at me again cause she watching me weite this..maybe i should stop?!?!?naw..ill keep on writing HOW GAY MY FAMILY IS!! do you see that mum?? HUH?? HUH?? WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT!!??!!::SLAP::ha ha my mom was like thats mean and slapped me. lol weirdo.

Posted by rock3/volcomstone819 at 5:13 PM EDT
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i wub you jason
hey jason. im bored so im gonna write something to you..yeah im trying to spread teh word about your cd. i think its really good so keep recording....uh if anyone whos reading thi wants to hear "X-PELLED's" demo just tell me. yeah jay your my favorite canadian..ever..we gotta go skating again next time i come up there. yeah we can visit that chris guy with the mohawk. fun. wow good times...i miss canada..ah now i have your song stuck in my head...just need a place to gooooooo where they can know..not the only one...not the only one...ahhhhhhhh bah!!!!! get out!!! get out!!! i need a teddy bear even shuns me...yeah so bye bye! oh dilly bar..your cool too...but you stole nirvanas icon thing. you guys really gotta change know..copywrite..ha ha sky sweetnam sucks, thats so weird how we were at teh same canada day thing...dont worry ill go on tour with you!!!!

Posted by rock3/volcomstone819 at 12:47 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 31 August 2003 1:24 PM EDT
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My family sucks ass..literally
hello human scum. this is my first entry. i have decided to make this because i have a very boring life and i do nothing but talk online. my family is so dumbass...first things first...yesterday there were fireworks outside (YAY!) and I wanted to check them out so i went outside to hear them. when i came back my gay sister was online talking to her gay (but hot) friends. i was like wtf?? soo i kicked her andthen hit her so she would get off..didnt work, it kinda just backlashed on me..shes so much bigger and stronger than me..DAMNIT FOOL! so she was screaming and yelling at my parents and i was like oookay because its not that big of a deal BUT ANYWAYS! she was like saying well atleqast i had friends in 7th grade and all this gay i pulled something off that i regret badly..i went well atleast i wasnt fat in middle school and she just started crying..pussy! and i got kicked off the internet for the whole night and it was only 10. my sister is so weak. but the awesome thing is that i made a pillow that night!(I RULE!) im hoping ill get extra credit for mrs.hess. i wish i had gym 5th period instead of mrs hess..(::cough::mark::cough:..ooh that means i could see him sweaty...AWESOME!) gr i hate mrs hess. i hate all my teachers. they all suck. man my life sucks. oh and i hate mrs. mcconihay too. she kinda scares me..actually i think its just her overbite that scares me..i dunno..but tony lombardo and i made up this idea to dress up as a highlighter for halloween and go around giving people hugs..(you gotta have hrs mcconihay to know what im talking about) but tonys my dawg. yeah well this entry thing is prett damn long. maybe if i spread it out into paragraphs people will read it. no one likes reading long entrys. yeah so i guess ill stop for right now. whoever is reading this is cool...and i love you.."le amo vengo por favor acostar con mí que podemos cuddle..."he he..just say yes..

Posted by rock3/volcomstone819 at 12:19 PM EDT
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