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.:. Vivid Release .:.










Hi and welcome to the new Vivid Release website. Sorry it has taken so long to put this site up but (hopefully) its now slightly more impressive than the old site.

We are an all girl band from Weald of Kent school in Tonbridge. We  have  been together as a 3 piece covers band (Lisa, Emma and Emily) since September 03, then as a 4 piece covers band (Lisa, Emma, Emily and Amber) since around February, and now we are a 5 piece band that plays our own songs. Vivid Release is:

Lisa Avon : Vocals

Emma Davis: Guitar

Emily Brookes: Guitar

Amber Peacock: Bass

Alice Boorman: Drums

To find out more about each individual person go to the Biographies page.

If you want to contact us then email us on: