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News -> Bio's -> Contact -> Lyrics -> Pictures -> Guest Book



August 22nd 2003

Matt quits the band, Matt also likes to add that the reason quitting, si cuz my own friend betrayed me, so F*** You All!
PS: your sites gone

August 21st 2003

Matt goes back to due to it working. Plus.. if you haven't noticed, Site back and working.

August 19th 2003

Matt gives up on the Server and changes back to Angel fire's guest-books.

August 18th 2003

Guest book not working properly, it's not us, it's the server, if guest book doesn't work when you first check, come back later. We hope that the server fix's there problem, Sorry for the inconvenience.

August 17th 2003

Corey gets a new cell phone... so much for the practice everyday of the week eh Ian. 

August 16th 2003

Matt changes site around a little bit. In the lyrics section Matt adds links to it so the page loads faster.

August 14th 2003

Matt adds new lyrics to site, these one's show what how hard it is for people growing up with problems, Leave you comments in the guest book on your thoughts of it.

August 12th 2003

Drew comes back, We all find out the truth that Drew never Quit the band, Corey just said he did, and we all went with that. So as of right now positions are:

Matt - Vocals
Ron - Lead Guitar
Drew - Guitar
Corey - Bass
Ian - Drums

August 10th 2003

Corey is going to Niagara Falls from Monday to Thursday, we wont miss him at all. He's not a fun kid to hang with.. in fact.. he's a LOSER. well, that's all the news.

August 6th 2003

News narrowed down to links, Practice hopefully on this coming Thursday. New riffs and lyrics made. Band is NOT hurt by Drew Mellow quitting the band, In fact now we're better off.

August 4th 2003

Band had  a practice today, we played some songs.. got accustomed to the new guitarist.. Ron Platten

August 2nd 2003

Matt's mom's birthday Happy Birthday Mommy!! Matt's Home now, and he has a new bike! Click here to see!



Older News

July/June 2003 News

Older News Deleted
















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Website Created by the members of Uncertain Precision.





No real idea why this is on here. Wicked car though.