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Yet another fucking web site...

My little essays.
Spells herbs and such.
My list of guys I think are hot. (you might be on there)
Things guys say that make up for all the rest of the time when there asshloes
Hypothetical situation of the um…till I decide to change it
VoTinG boOtH
MesSagE BoaRd
CouNt Down To RanDoM ShIt

Well yes just another fucking site. Isnt that great? Well click on a link. I'd say something creatve but I can't think so click a damn link. Oh yeah if you do want to respond to anything email me. ill post it. Tell me if you want your name on it or if it should be a secret.
I Added PICS!!!

hey i added 3 new things i think most of you will want to vote!
HEY AGIAN its ben awhile since i updted sory about that i thouhgt noone came here guess they do well i aded my poems and....a SEX section because jc is dirty!!! peace! Love!!
